r. half-time ,part-timea. parttime ,part-time
full-time['ful'taim]adj. 專職的;全日制的;全部時間的
Full-Time 全職;全日制;專職的,全日制的,全部規定時間的;全時;Full-time student 全時學生。至於要修多少學分以上才算全時學生,視各學校規定而異。;全日制學生;全職學生;一般只有全時生;Full-time Professor 專職教授;全職教授;full-time teacher 專職教師;專任教師;專職老師;全職英語教師;full-time job 全職工作;全日工作單位;專職工作;全天工作;
1.How do some women manage to combine a full-time job with family responsibilities and still find time for doing other things? 有些婦女怎麼能夠既做一份全職工作,又能兼顧家庭的責任,並且仍有空於時間做其他事情?
2.This full-time programme is aimed at students who wish to blend their knowledge and skills from their first degree, in any discipline, with management. 這全日制課程的目的是希望學生混合誰從他們的第一個學位的知識和技能,在任何紀律約束與管理。
3.Although these women seldom have full-time jobs, when they do work, their employers praise them for their imagination, but usually not for their efficiency. 儘管這些女人很少有專職的工作,但她們工作時,她們的僱主們都表揚她們的想像力,但通常不是為了提高效率。
I'm not looking for a full-time job. - 我不會去找一個上全天班的工作。
On a studect visa, full-time work is not permitted. - 持學生簽證的話,不允許做全職工作。
I want to be with Max as a full-time mother, - 我又想和Max在一起, 做個全職的母親
I decided to give full-time attention to raising Robbie. - 我決定全力撫育他。
I've decided to stay at home and be a full-time mother. - 我決定留在家裡做一個專職母親。
employing full-time technicians and run on specially-written software. - 僱用專職的技師,而且得用專門編寫的軟件才能運行。