shastran. 印度教聖典
Shastra 印度教聖典;Madhyamaka Shastra 中論;Satyasiddhi Shastra 成實論;Dvadashamukha Shastra 十二門論;VAASTU SHASTRA 印度堪輿;
1.The Natya Shastra a tells us not only what is to be portrayed in a drama, but how the portrayal is to be done. 《舞論》不僅告訴我們在戲劇裡表演的是什麼,而且還說了戲劇是如何表演的。
2.Here we're talking about buddhanature, and if you want to know about buddhanature, then Maitreya's Uttaratantra Shastra is the text you have to study. 這裡我們討論的是佛性。如果你希望瞭解佛性,彌勒菩薩著的《究竟一乘寶性論》是你需要研讀的教材。
3.The text has three volumes labeled Om, Ah, Hum, representing the Buddha's Body, Speech and Mind. This is the Shastra which contains three higher trainings: Morality, Wisdom and Concentration. 這部巨藏包含了以嗡、阿、吽為名的三大函卷──分別代表佛的身、語、意──是一部包含了戒、定、慧三學的論藏。