n. secreter ,secretor ,secretory organ
gland[ɡlænd]n. [解]腺
gland 腺體;填料壓蓋;壓蓋;封頭;nectar gland 蜜腺;蜜腺 一起_呵_英語站;thyroid gland 甲狀腺;甲狀腺:;甲狀腺 (解剖學),;甲狀腺,位於喉嚨處的腺體,分泌控制生長發充的激素;pineal gland 松果體;松果腺;松果體;顱頂器;pituitary gland 腦垂體;腦下垂體;腦垂腺;垂體腺;
1.What reason causes proliferation of female mammary gland? 女性乳腺增生是什麼原因引起的?
2.It is also an endocrine gland secreting at least two important hormones. 它也是一種內分泌腺,至少分泌二種重要的激素。
3.Excels to the prostate gland, the prostate gland proliferation (large) and the masculine erection function barrier treatment. 擅長對前列腺、前列腺增生(肥大)及男性勃起功能障礙的治療。
sweat gland cystic tumor of breast - 乳房汗腺囊瘤
sweat gland carcinoma of breast - 乳房汗腺癌
secretory gland cell - 分泌腺細胞
salivary gland chromosome - 唾液腺染色體
salivary gland hormone - 唾液腺激素
salivary gland virus; salivaryglandvirus - 唾液腺病毒
coxal gland opening - 基節腺口
apocrine gland carcinoma of vulva - 外陰頂泌腺癌
paraurethral gland cyst; skenes gland cyst - 尿道旁腺囊腫
submucous gland of urethra - 尿道粘膜下腺體
bartholins gland greater vestibular gland; bartholins glands; glandulae vestibularis major - 巴多林氏腺
gonadal dysgenesis; hypoplasis of gonads; sex gland hypoplasia - 性腺發育不良
sweat gland fatigue - 汗腺疲勞
lacrimal gland tumor - 淚腺腫瘤
salivary gland injury - 涎腺損傷
salivary gland disease - 涎腺疾病
salivary gland virus; salivaryglandvirus - 涎腺病毒
lymph gland sinus - 淋巴結竇
cmv; cytomegalovirus; salivary gland virus; salivaryglandvirus - 細胞肥大病毒
adrenal gland scanning agent - 腎上腺掃瞄劑
adrenal gland imaging - 腎上腺顯像
incision and drainage of parotid gland abscess - 腮腺膿腫切開引流術
gland secretory duct - 腺分泌管
parafollicular thyroid gland cells - 腺泡旁細胞
rivinis gland sublingual gland - 裡維尼氏腺
gingival cyst of mucous gland in the newborn - 馬牙
n.尿道球腺膿腫 - abscess of cowpers gland
n.涎腺膿腫 - abscess of salivary gland
n.女尿道旁腺膿腫 - abscess of skenes gland
n.甲狀腺膿腫 - abscess of thyroid gland
n.甲狀腺缺失 - absence of thyroid gland
副腎上腺 - accessory adrenal gland
n.副腺,附屬腺 - accessory gland
副淚腺 - accessory lacrimal gland
n.副腮腺 - accessory parotid gland
副唾液腺 - accessory salivary gland
n.副甲狀腺 - accessory thyroid gland
泌酸腺 - acid gland
n.唾液腺腺泡細胞癌,涎腺腺泡細胞癌 - acinar cell carcinoma of salivary gland
n.泡腺 - acinous gland
n.淚腺腺癌 - adenocarcinoma of lacrimal gland
n.唾液腺腺樣囊樣癌 - adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary gland
n.涎腺腺樣囊性癌 - adenoid cystocarcinoma of salivary gland
n.唾液腺腺淋巴瘤 - adenolymphoma of salivary gland
n.淚腺腺瘤 - adenoma of lacrimal gland
n.腎上腺 - adrenal gland
副腎疾患 - adrenal gland disease
副腎機能亢進 - adrenal gland hyperfuction
副腎機能亢進低下 - adrenal gland hypofunction
n.腎上腺顯像 - adrenal gland imaging
副腎腫瘍 - adrenal gland neoplasm
n.腎上腺掃瞄劑 - adrenal gland scanning agent
副腎腫瘍 - adrenal gland tumor
蛋白腺,卵白腺體 - albumen gland
蛋白腺,白蛋白腺 - albuminous gland
誘惑腺 - alluring gland
n.泡腺 - alveolar gland
肛門腺 - anal gland
觸角腺,排泄腺 - antennal gland
n.前舌腺 - anterior lingual gland
遠外分泌腺 - apo-eccrine gland
n.頂泌腺,外分泌腺 - apocrine gland
n.外陰頂泌腺癌 - apocrine gland carcinoma of vulva
頂泌汗腺 - apocrine sweat gland
乳暈腺 - areolar gland
n.甲狀腺吸引活組織檢查 - asperation biopsy of thyroid gland
n.腎上腺萎縮 - atrophy of adrenal gland
n.淚腺萎縮 - atrophy of lacrimal gland
n.腮腺萎縮 - atrophy of parotid gland
n.涎腺萎縮 - atrophy of salivary gland
n.甲狀腺萎縮 - atrophy of thyroid gland
n.甲狀腺非典型性腺瘤 - atypical adenoma of thyroid gland
腋窩腺 - axillary gland
n.前庭大腺 - bartholins gland
n.巴多林氏腺 - bartholins gland greater vestibular gland
n.唾液腺基底細胞腺瘤 - basal cell adenoma of salivary gland