succotash['sʌkətæʃ]n. [美]豆煮玉米
succotash 豆煮玉米;嫩玉米和利馬豆煮成的菜;菜豆煮嫩玉米〔鹽菜;釋義:豆煮新鮮玉米;Vegan Succotash 豆煮玉米;
1.Carrots and peas, asparagus on toast, the perennial tomatoes and corn and succotash, lima beans, cabbage—and then—Sarah was crying over her bill of fare. 葫蘿蔔和豌豆,土司蘆筍,四季不斷的西紅柿、玉米以及豆煮玉米,萊馬大豆,捲心菜——然後——莎拉對著菜單哭了起來。
2."that the Englishmen used indicated a debt to the natives, as do the Indian -derived names for corn dishes such as com "pone", "hominy", and "succotash". 譬如英國人使用的「印第安人玉米」一詞,即意味著受恩於土著人。同樣,取自印第安語的「玉米餅」、「玉米粥」和「豆煮新鮮玉米」等也一併包含著此義。
3.Carrots and peas, asparagus on toast, the perennial tomatoes and corn and succotash, lima beans, cabbage—and then—Sarah was crying over her bill of fare. 葫蘿蔔拌豌豆,蘆筍土司,四季不斷的西紅柿、玉米以及豆煮玉米,利馬豆,捲心菜——然後——薩拉對著菜單哭了起來。