meaningfullyadv. 有意義地;意味深長地;有意圖地
meaningfully 有意義地;How to live meaningfully 如何有意義地生活。;I'll contribute meaningfully to the development of any society I found myself 如果我是超人,我要;The question should not provide more information than is necessary to answer the question meaningfully 除了要讓問題可以被有意義地回答外,不應該在問題裡提供其他不必要的資訊。;
1.In other words, waiting will not be suffering or no more wasteful if you can use it meaningfully. 換句話說,等待可以是不痛苦的或是不再是浪費的,如果你善用等待的時間。
2.Two kinds of death consciousness are for "living" in essence, and for people to live more meaningfully. 孔子的死亡意識的實質是為了「生」,是為了人生更具有道德價值。
3.And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice. 埃裡克森確信,瞭解如何有目的地解讀信息的最佳方法就是眾所周知的刻意練習過程。