n. snowblindness
1.Suffering from snow blindness, Kaasen missed the hand-off to the last team, and had to press on. 卡森由於患雪盲,錯過了負責最後一程的接力傳送隊,唯有繼續奮力前行。
2.Because our studio set is all white, I have to wear sunglasses during rehearsals - otherwise I get snow blindness, it's that bright! 由於我們的演播室集合是所有白色,我必須戴太陽鏡在排練期間-否則我得到雪盲目性,它是聰慧的那!
3.The herdsmen were well except for a 63-year-old who suffered snow blindness, according to rescuers. The baby and his mother were sent to hospital for observation. 根據搜救人員表示,十四名牧羊人中,除了一位六十三歲長者罹患雪盲症,其他全數平安。該名嬰孩以及其母親已被送至醫院做進一步觀察。