DDNabbr. [計]數字數據服務(Defense Data Service);防衛數據網
DDN 數字數據網;數字數據網絡;專線;數字數據;y DDN 數字數據網;DDN DistributedDataNetwork 分佈式數據網;s DDN 數字數據網;DDN - 數字鴻溝網;國防數據網;分佈式數據網;
1.Besides, A4400 has also professional trunk board dedicated to DDN, FR, ATM backbone accessing. 此外,A4400還包含數字數據網、幀中繼和異步傳輸模式骨網接入專用的專業中繼板。
2.It can be extensively used in various accessing conditions for operators and industrial customers, such as DDN, SDH and special transmission network which need to be extended by optical fibre. 廣泛應用於運營商及行業用戶的各種接入環境,如DDN、SDH及專用傳輸網等需要用光纖進行遠程延伸的場合。
3.Ceiling, carpet, wall with emulsion paint finished, sold-core doors, electromechanical facilities, sprinkler system, air-conditioning system, broadband interface, port of DDN & FR; B:Roughcast. 天花,地毯,牆身塗乳膠漆,木門,消防噴淋,機電,中央空調,寬帶,DDN和FR埠;B:毛坯。