tridymite['tridimait]n. 鱗石英
tridymite 鱗石英;鱗矽石;鱗硅石;鱗石英(月面);tridymite alboranite 鱗英蘚玄巖;鱗英蘇玄巖;tridymite latite 鱗英二長安巖;tridymite peralboranite 鱗英淡蘇安玄巖;tridymite-trachyte 鱗英粗面巖;鱗矽粗面巖;鱗硅粗面巖;
1.a white or colorless vitreous insoluble solid; various forms occur widely in the earth's crust as quartz or cristobalite or tridymite or lechartelierite. 一種白色或無色的玻璃質不溶固體,以各種形式廣泛存在於地殼中,如石英、方石英、鱗石英等。
2.The ultraviolet irradiated polypropylene (PP) with the oxygen polar groups on its chain was blended with the inorganic filler STC (Sericite-Tridymite-Cristobalite). 聚丙烯在室溫、空氣下,通過低能、短時間的紫外光輻照,在其分子鏈上引入了含氧的極性基團。
3.The notes describe the common minerals such as quartz and its polymorphs, coesite, tridymite and cristobalite, feldspar, plagioclase, feldspathoids, pyroxenes, amphiboles, etc. 講稿詳細地介紹了火成岩礦物,如:石英及它的同構異形體、柯石英、鱗石英、方石英、長石、斜長石、似長石、輝石、閃石等礦物。