sicko['sikəu]n. 道德敗壞的人;神經有問題的人
Sicko 神經病人;醫療內幕;精神病人;神經病;Sicko Charlie 馬戲團;
1.The controversial Michael Moore is nominated for "Sicko" again after "Fahrenheit 9/11" being purposely neglected. 語不驚人死不休的麥克摩爾在「華氏9/11」被刻意忽略後,再度以「健保真要命」入圍。
2.When it comes to the jokes, at least, Mr Moore is back on form after his previous, rather turgid film about American health care, "Sicko". 考慮到講笑話,至少邁克爾已經從其前一部裝腔作勢關於美國醫療保險的電影「病人」回歸正途。
3.Even when the charges of child abuse were new and shocking — when British gossip rags were dubbing him Wacko Jacko and Sicko Jacko — there was some sympathy for this sad creature. 即使剛發生地對傑克遜虐待兒童的指控,即使當時英國八卦小報給他起了「古怪傑克」和「道德敗壞傑克」的綽號,人們還是有些可憐這個可悲的人。