n. closeness ,stodginess
stuffinessn. 悶熱;不通風;自負
stuffiness 不通風;悶氣;不通風的,悶熱;不通氣;Chest stuffiness 胸悶;
1.Decongestants help ease stuffiness. They shrink swollen tissue inside the noses. 解充血藥幫助緩解鼻塞,使內部腫脹組織收縮。
2.They are mainly manifested as nasal stuffiness and nasal discharge, sneezing, cough, fever, headache and so on. 風熱感冒則表現為喉嚨痛、流濃鼻涕、便秘、身熱、口渴、心煩等。
3.Important: If you suspect that your child's cold is more than simple congestion and stuffiness, call your pediatrician. 注意:如果你懷疑孩子的感冒並不是簡單的鼻塞和不通氣,去看小兒科醫生。
anosmia; anosphrasia; feeling of stuffiness in the nose and anosmia - 嗅覺缺失
stuffiness syndrome of excess type - 實痞
relieve stuffiness of the chest and reduce mass - 寬胸散結
feeling of stuffiness in the nose and anosmia - 感覺鼻塞
feeling of stuffiness and choking in chest - 胸中痞硬
feeling of stuffiness in chest - 胸痞
n.胸中痞硬 - feeling of stuffiness and choking in chest
n.胸痞 - feeling of stuffiness in chest
n.感覺鼻塞,嗅覺缺失 - feeling of stuffiness in the nose and anosmia
n.寬胸散結 - relieve stuffiness of the chest and reduce mass
n.寬胸 - relieving the chest stuffiness