flash-light 閃光信號燈;transistor flash-light meter 晶體管閃光儀;photo-flash light 閃光燈;gas-proof flash light 氣密閃光燈;
1.Nocturnal crawler, a scorpion remains well camouflaged under a flash-light's beam, but fluoresces in ultraviolet light [as seen here], a reaction that remains a mystery to scientists. 蠍子是一種夜間的爬行動物,他在閃光燈下有很好的偽裝,但在紫外光照射下(像圖中那樣)卻可以發出螢光,這對科學家來說還是一個不解之謎。
2.Nocturnal crawler, a scorpion remains well camouflaged under a flash-light's beam, but fluoresces in ultraviolet light [as seen here], a reaction that remains a mystery to scientists. 紫外線下的蠍子。夜間爬行者,一隻蠍子會完美地披上偽裝而不畏手電筒類的光束,但是能夠發出螢光紫外線光束就會把蠍子暴露無遺,這個原因有待科學家探討。
3.Nocturnal crawler, a scorpion remains well camouflaged under a flash-light's beam, but fluoresces in ultraviolet light [as seen here], a reaction that remains a mystery to scientists. 夜間的爬行動物,一隻蠍子在手電筒的光束下可以很好的偽裝自己,但是在紫外光的照射下卻會發出螢光[如圖所示],這個道理至今科學家們也沒有弄清楚。