low-volume producer 低產井;low-volume shipper 小批量托運人;low-volume user 低用量用戶;low-volume sprayer 低量噴霧機;low-volume well 低產井;
1.Whenever a user starts to drag an icon, the computer could issue a low-volume sound reminiscent of sliding as the object is dragged. 無論何時用戶開始拖放圖標,在對像拖放時計算機可以發出一個微弱而使人聯想到滑動的聲音。
2.Most low-volume super cars use targa panels because of the low cost of development and to retain the structural integrity of the chassis. 大多數低容量超級使用塔爾加面板,因為成本低的發展和保留的結構完整性的底盤。
3.The specific identification method is best suited to inventories of high-priced , low-volume items. New automobiles and construction equipment are good examples. 個別辨認法最適用於價格高、數量少的存貨項目,新汽車和建築設備是最好的例子。