rhyolite['raiəlait]n. [地]流紋巖;表面光滑的火山岩
rhyolite 流紋巖;療巖;磷鋁石;流紋玻璃;potash rhyolite 鉀療巖;鉀鹼療巖;鉀流紋巖;soda rhyolite 鈉療巖;鈉流紋巖;porphyritic rhyolite 斑狀流紋巖;devitrified rhyolite 脫玻流紋巖;
1.The ore bodies are confined to Yanshanian metamorphosed rhyolite porphyry and felsite. 礦體賦存在燕山期變質流紋斑岩、霏細巖中。
2.You should note how the enhanced potassium values over the rhyolite plug within the area of basalts become progressively less obvious with increasing broader smoothing. 你應當注意的是,處於玄武岩區內的流紋巖巖頸上較高的鉀濃度值,隨著平滑程度的增大而逐漸變得不明顯了。
3.Large scale planar geological mapping, profiling survey and microfabric analyses proved that lithophysa structure was developed in rhyolite in Yingcheng coal mine area, Jiutai City. 通過大比例尺平面地質續圖、剖面測量和顯微組構分析,九台營城煤礦區流紋巖中石泡構造發育。