videotapesn. 錄像帶;錄像磁帶(videotape的複數)
Videotapes 錄像帶;錄像磁帶;錄影帶;videotapes instruction 錄像磁帶教學;Audiotapes and Videotapes 錄音帶﹐錄影帶;Rental of videotapes 錄像帶出租;film on videotapes 影片錄相帶;
1.TV cameras and videotapes belonging to a crew sending footage to Western networks were confiscated and apparently handed over to U. S. authorities. 一組將鏡頭髮給西方媒體網絡的人員的電視攝像頭和錄音帶被沒收,顯然是交給了美國當局。
2.Traditional basketball game statistics failed to capture all of the details associated with every play and were not easily related to videotapes of games. 傳統的籃球比賽統計數字無法掌握所有比賽的每一個細節,因而不容易和球賽錄影帶來對照。
3.The women said they did all they could to protect the identity of their sources, even eating notes and damaging videotapes once they were in North Korean custody. 兩位記者說,她們曾盡全力保護自己消息來源的身份,甚至一被朝鮮扣留,就把筆記吞到肚子裡並毀掉了錄像帶。