





v. whitenn. caucasian ,patrick victor martindale white ,whitenessa. blank ,lily-white ,snowy ,white-hot


v. black ,blacken ,melanise ,melanizen. black ,blackness ,inkinessa. black


white[hwait]adj. 白色的;白種的;純潔的n. 白色;潔白;白種人


white 藍色的;白河;全白色圖矩陣;白色的;white coffee 牛奶咖啡;加牛奶的咖啡;加奶咖啡;白咖啡;oyster white 乳白色;牡蠣白;近於白色的淺灰;牡蠣白,乳白色;White Cabbage 包心菜;白球甘藍;白菜;椰菜;White Christmas 白色聖誕;銀色聖誕;白色聖誕節;銀白聖誕;


1.What colour is it? brown and white. 它是什麼顏色的?褐色和白色。

2.White clouds float over the blue sky. 藍藍的天上漂浮著朵朵白雲。

3.The bride had a beautiful, white dress. 新娘有一件漂亮的白色女裝。


Do you have any white gold bracelets? - 你有白金手鐲嗎?

Do you like white or colored pearls? - 你喜歡白的或彩色的珍珠嗎?

Do you have a dry white wine? - 你這裡有澀白酒嗎?

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - 〔白雪公主和七矮人〕

I suggest that we go climb White Cloud Mountain tomorrow. - 我建議明天一起去爬白雲山。

An endly man rented the big white house. - 一老人租用那大白房子。

He turned white with amazement. - 他害怕得臉都蒼白了。

Thereis no wool so white but a dyer can make it black. - 羊毛再白,也能染黑。

Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths. - 賈斯珀。懷特是少有的相信古代神話的人之一。

The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty. - 飛機可以毫無困難地飛過這片茫茫無際的白色原野!

One of Mary's prize possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her. - 瑪麗最珍貴的財產之一就是丈夫送給她的一隻白色小羔羊。

It is well known that where the white man has invaded a primitive culture, - 眾所周知,凡是白人侵入原始文化的地方,

The one in the white car. - 在那輛白色車裡的人。

No, she isn't wearing a sweater. She's wearing a white blouse. - 沒穿。她穿了一件白色的襯衫?

Is it a black cat with one white ear and two white legs? - 是那只長著一隻白耳朵和兩條白腿的黑貓嗎?

We want the same rights as the white people in the city. - 我們要求享有與本市白人平等的權利。

Kunta wondered why the white people had done this to him. - 孔塔不知道白人為什麼要這樣對待他。

But they would not listen to him. When they came to the river, a white man was waiting in the boat for them. - 但是他們不聽,當他們來到江邊時,一個白人正在船上等著他們。

But why did white people want to catch Africans and put them in chains? - 但是為什麼白人要把非洲人抓起來,戴上鐐銬呢?


strata alba colliculi superioris; white layers of superior colliculus - 上丘白質層

diacetylmorphine; diamorphine; heroin; heroine; white lady - 二乙酰嗎啡

phlegmasia albadolens puerperarumm; puerperal milk leg; puerperal white leg - 產褥期股白腫

hunters line; linea alba; white line - 亨特氏線

the eight rigions of the white of the eye - 八廓

n. silver white chip cutting method - 刀瘤切削法

anterior white commissure - 前白連合

drug for increasing white cells - 升白細胞藥

White colour and acrid flavour match the lung - 在味為辛

white lesions of vulva - 外陰白色病變

large white kidney - 大白腎

white rat - 大白鼠

laminae albae cerebelli; white laminae of cerebellum - 小腦白質板

hiltons white line; pectinate line; pectinateline - 希爾頓氏白線

juvenile white cell - 幼稚型白細胞

fast muscle; white muscle - 快縮肌

cancer-free white mouse; cfwm - 無癌小鼠

flower pf cjomese white poplar; poplar flower - 楊樹花

mulberry twigs; ramulus mori; white mulberry branch - 桑枝

white abscess on the tongue - 死舌癰

qi orbiculus the white of the eye; qi orbiulus - 氣輪

farres line; farres white line - 法爾線

white lady heroin or cocaine - 海各因或可卡因

heroine; tecata heroin; white lady - 海洛因

iyster white support - 灰白色載體

n. white fused alumina - 熔融白剛玉

ramus communicans albus; white communicating branch - 白交通支

albolene; petrolatum album; white vaseline - 白凡士林

n. white alundum - 白剛玉

white ginseng - 白參

n. white cast iron - 白口鑄鐵

white alloy plate - 白合金片

calreolaria ipecacuanha; lonidium ipecacuanha; white ipecac - 白吐根

white noise - 白嗓音

white house science presence - 白宮科學人員

semen dolichoris album; white hyaciath bean - 白扁豆

leukasmus; leukoplakia; vitiligo; white patch - 白斑

bighead atractylodes rhizome; white atractylodes rhizome - 白朮

white nucleus - 白核

canelia alba; canella winterana; white cinnamon - 白桂皮

betula alba; white birch - 白樺

white mume flower - 白梅花

anemic infarct; pale infarct; white infarct - 白梗塞

santalum album; white sandalwood; white saunders - 白檀

white precipitate - 白澱汞

incandescence; white heat - 白熱

n. white cone - 白熱電弧錐部

n. white brittleness - 白熱脆性

n. white annealing - 白熱退火

dysentery with mycus or purulent discharhe; pujos blancos; white flux - 白痢


n.白質前連合,前白連合 - anterior white commissure

n.細菌性白痢,細菌性白色腹瀉 - bacillary white diarrhoea

n.無癌小鼠 - cancer-free white mouse

棉絲交織物 - China White

n.乳白色 - cream white

n.白細胞分類計數 - differential white cell count

n.升白細胞藥 - drug for increasing white cells

n.蛋白,蛋清 - egg white

n.法爾線 - farres white line

n.楊樹花 - flower pf cjomese white poplar

n.灰白的 - greyish white

硬性白色滲出 - hard white exudate

n.白線疝 - hernia of white line

n.希爾頓氏白線 - hiltons white line

尿中白血細胞 - in-urine white blood cell

n.靛白 - indigo white

白色糞便性幼兒腹瀉 - infantile diarrhea with white stool

n.灰白色載體 - iyster white support

n.幼稚型白細胞 - juvenile white cell

n.大白腎 - large white kidney

n.米色 - off white

n.舌淡薄白潤苔 - pale tongue with thin and white and moist fur

腦室周圍白質 - periventricular white matter

n.腦室周圍白質綜合征 - periventricular white matter syndrome

n.白細胞計數用吸管 - pipette for white cell counting

n.白質後連合 - posterior white commissure

n.產褥期股白腫 - puerperal white leg

n.潔白 - pure white

n.氣輪 - qi orbiculus the white of the eye

n.舌紅苔白微黃 - red tongue with white and yellowish fur

脾白髓 - splenic white pulp

n.八廓 - the eight rigions of the white of the eye

n.白睛 - the white of the eye

n.結核病 - the white plague

n.視白質 - visual white

原白 - wild white

n.鋅白粉 - zinc white


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