whitakern. 惠特克(姓氏)
Whitaker 惠特克;懷特克;惠特克公司;英國惠特克父子公司(書目出版商);Eric Whitaker 惠特克;友惠塔克;David Whitaker 總裁惠特克;主席惠特克;Ben Whitaker 惠特克;Claire Whitaker 克萊爾·維特克爾;
1.Forest Whitaker won best actor playing the ruthless Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in TheLastKing of Scotland. 在《末代獨裁》中扮演無情的烏干達暴君伊迪·阿敏的弗雷斯特·惠特克贏得最佳男演員獎。
2.Later Wednesday, Obama played golf with friends Marty Nesbitt and Eric Whitaker, friends who are neighbors of Obama in Chicago. Aide Eugene Kang also joined them. 當天晚些時候,奧巴馬與兩位朋友馬蒂奈斯比提和埃裡克惠特克一起打高爾夫,兩人是奧巴馬在芝加哥的鄰居。助手尤金卡恩也加入了他們。
3."We have been overseas recently and we always went to McDonald's, thinking they had an international policy where everything is safe and done the right way, " Ms Whitaker said. 目前麥當勞方面還沒有給他們做出正式道歉或解釋為什麼避孕套和快餐混在了一起。