ICLabbr. 來信記錄(incoming correspondence log)
ICl 氯化碘;有晶體眼人工晶體植入術;手術;圖標庫;ICL IntegratedCircuitLogic 集成電路邏輯;ICL InterComputerCommunicationLink 計算機間通信鏈路;ICL InternationalComputersLimited 國際計算機有限公司(英國);Icl Imageeclip 截取影像;
1.If you choose ICL service to open BANK ACCOUNT, please kindly download this documents before you present physically in the bank. 如果您選擇ICL服務開設銀行帳號,請在親身前往銀行前下載此文件,並準備好相關文件。
2.Objective To analyze the relationship between the site and cause of rupture of interphalangeal collateral ligament(ICL) and emphesize early surgical treatment. 目的分析手指指間關節側副韌帶損傷部位和傷因的關係及早期手術治療的重要性。
3.At this event, ICL deeply explained how to market India and notes for operation, and construed how to combine ICL India to do the marketing, in order to promote the cooperation between us. 活動中ICL為「如何營銷印度市場以及操作中的注意事項「進行了深入的說明,也對」如何結合ICL印度聯合營銷「做了深入的講解,從而促進了兩司更好的合作關係。