





n. glossa ,knife ,natural language ,spit


n. artificial language


tongue[tʌŋ]n. 舌頭;語言vt. 舔;斥責;用舌吹vi. 說話;吹管樂器


tongue 鞋舌;雄榫;榫,舌;舌片;tongue bar 裝在舌頭上的的;裝在舌頭上的;釋義:次級鰓條,舌條;舌飾;Tongue Twister 繞口令;繞口令;饒口令;舌卷;tongue coop 鞋舌扣環;tongue sleeves 舌繫帶;舌續帶;


1.What color is my tongue? 我的舌頭是什麼顏色?

2.Let me see your tongue. 讓我看一下你的舌頭。

3.Can the tongue that uses oneself lick his nose? 用自己的舌頭能舔到自己的鼻子嗎?


A false tongue will hardly speak truth. - 假舌不會吐真言。

A good tongue is a good weapon. - 伶俐的口齒是一種銳利的武器。

Better the foot slip than the tongue trip. - 寧可滑跤,不可失言。

False tongue will hardly speak truth. - 虛偽者不肯說真話。

Govern your thoughts when alone, and your tongue when in company. - 一人獨處慎于思,與人相處慎於言。

He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere. - 遇事多問,隨處可行。

He that knows not how to hold his tongue knows not how to talk. - 不知緘口的不善言。

His heart cannot be pure whose tongue is not clear. - 嘴不淨者心不純。

The effect speaks, the tongue needs not. - 事實勝於雄辯。

The tongue ever turns to the aching teeth. - 舌頭總是碰著疼牙。

The tongue is not made of steel,yet it cuts. - 舌頭不是鋼,一動把人傷。

The tongue is not steel yet it cuts. - 舌頭不是鋼,傷人似刀劍。

The tongue of idle persons is never idle. - 懶漢的舌頭並不閒。

The wise man's tongue is a shield, not a sword. - 智者之言,是保衛而非攻擊。

Turn your tongue seven times before speaking. - 話到嘴邊留三分。

When the heart is full,, the tongue will speak. - 胸有成竹,口若懸河。

Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. - 與此同時,我的舌頭正在忙著尋找剛拔掉的那顆牙的傷口。

is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the vernacular of his family. - 就好像他本國語言的總詞彙量和自己咿呀學語時他家庭所接納的他的詞彙量之比。


tongue extension movement - 伸舌運動

glossocatochus; tongue sppatula; tonguesppatula - 壓舌板

tongue biting - 咬舌

tongue biting; tonguebiting - 嚙舌

hand lamp type tongue depressor - 手持式照明壓舌器

anti-black tongue factor; nicotinic acid; nicotinicacid - 抗黑舌病因子

inspection of the tongue body and coating - 望舌體和望舌苔

stained tongue coating - 染苔

curdiness and stickiness of the tongue coating; dryness; moistness - 潤燥腐膩

glass tongue depressor - 玻璃壓舌板

tongue coating; white fur - 白苔

ankyloglossia; lingua fraenata; tongue tie; tonguetie - 結舌

tongue tied; tonguetied - 結舌的

atrophy of tongue due to avitaminosis - 維生素缺乏性舌萎縮

tongue as the opening of the heart; tongue as the window of the heart - 舌為心竅

tongue as the sport of the heart; tongue as the sprout of the heart - 舌乃心之苗

the tongue becomes swollen - 舌體腫大

tongue without fur - 舌光苔

curled-up tongue and ascended estes - 舌卷卵縮

curled-up tongue and ascended testes - 舌卷囊縮

flaccid tongue with aphasia; flaccid tongue with aphasis - 舌喑

tongue tip numbness - 舌尖麻木

dry tongue with little saliva - 舌干無津

linguiform; tongue shaped; tongueshaped - 舌形的

linguatulid; pentastomid; tongue worm - 舌形蟲

tongue injury - 舌損傷

tongue with ecchymosis - 舌有瘀斑

tongue with ecchymosis - 舌有瘀斑點

n. tongue weld - 舌槽焊

pale tongue without fur; pink tongue; pinktongue - 舌淡無苔

pale tongue with moist coating; pale tongue with thin; white and moist fur - 舌淡苔潤

pale tongue with thin and white and moist fur - 舌淡薄白潤苔

tongue erosion - 舌爛

lingulate; tongue shaped; tongueshaped - 舌狀的

gongue phenomenon schultzes sign; tongue test - 舌現象

pale tongue with moist coating - 舌疔

blisters of the tongue in infants - 舌筍

red tongue with white and yellowish fur - 舌紅苔白微黃

red tongue ith thin and yellow fur; red tongue with thin and yellow fur - 舌紅苔薄黃

red tongue with yellow fur - 舌紅苔黃

tongue abscess - 舌膿腫

incision and drainage of tongue abscess - 舌膿腫切開引流術

fur of tongue; tongue coating; tongue fur - 舌苔

bleeding of the tongue; tongue bleed; tonguebleed - 舌衄

picture of the tongue; tongue picture - 舌象

texture of tongue; tongue proper - 舌質

dark tongue body - 舌質黯

tongue retrractor - 舌部拉鉤

lingual retractor; tongue retractor - 舌部牽開器

tongue acupuncture - 舌針


n.舌起芒刺 - a bristle tongue

n.舌癰 - abscess of the tongue

n.舌根癰 - absess at the base of the tongue

n.舌腺癌 - adenocarcinoma of tongue

n.舌粘連 - adherent tongue

n.舌澱粉樣變性 - amyloid degeneration of tongue

n.抗黑舌病因子 - anti-black tongue factor

n.舌端 - apex of the tongue

n.舌尖腺 - apical glands of tongue

n.維生素缺乏性舌萎縮 - atrophy of tongue due to avitaminosis

n.光舌 - bald tongue

n.舌本 - base of the tongue

舌根,舌底 - base of tongue

n.角式舌板 - bent tongue depressor

n.分支舌,舌裂 - bifid tongue

n.舌活組織檢查 - biopsy of tongue

黑毛狀舌 - black hairy tongue

n.黑舌病 - black tongue

n.舌衄 - bleeding of the tongue

n.舌筍 - blisters of the tongue in infants

n.捲簾疔 - bloody blister on the upper surface of the tongue

藍舌病病毒 - blue tongue virus

舌未梢血流量 - blood flow to tongue periphery

舌體 - body of the tongue

n.舌體 - body of tongue

n.口舌生瘡 - boil of the lips and the tongue

n.舌瘡 - boil of the tongue

n.胖舌 - bulgy tongue

n.舌燒傷,舌灼傷 - burn of tongue

n.舌灼熱感 - burning sensation of the tongue

舌灼痛,舌灼熱感 - burning tongue

n.舌原位癌 - carcinoma in situ of tongue

n.舌巖 - carcinoma of the tongue

n.舌癌 - carcinoma of tongue

n.絳舌的形成機制 - causes of the fromatin of crimson tongue

n.化學性舌燒傷 - chemical burn of tongue

n.舌心 - centre of the tongue

n.舌裂 - cleft tongue

舌苔 - coat of tongue

舌苔,有苔舌 - coated tongue

舌苔,有苔舌 - coating of tongue

n.灰苔 - coating on the tongue

n.先天性舌囊腫 - congenital cyst of tongue

n.重舌 - congenital deformity of the tongue

n.先天性舌裂 - congenital fissured tongue

n.舌質紅絳 - crimson tongue

鱷舌 - crocodile tongue

n.潤燥腐膩 - curdiness and stickiness of the tongue coating

n.舌苔的潤、燥、腐、膩 - curdy or greasy fur on the tongue

n.舌卷 - curled-up tongue


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