IRTabbr. 紅外溫度(infrared temperature);項目反應理論(Item Response Theory)
IRT 項目反應理論;胰島素釋放試驗;等容舒張時間;等容舒張期;IRT IndexReturnCharacter 索引返回字符;IRT IntegratedRetailTerminal 集成式零售終端設備;IRT mode 試題分類代碼;IRT Isovolumic Relaxation Time 等容舒張時間;等容弛緩時間;
1.The human back, where all Back-Shu points are located, is an ideal object for IRT examination. 人體背部皮膚分佈有所有臟腑的背俞穴,是經絡穴位紅外成像研究的理想部位。
2.IR is the most danger factor in essential hypertension(EH). With the increasing of IRt, he risk of EH is bigger. 胰島素抵抗是高血壓病(EH)的重要危險因素,隨著胰島素抵抗程度的升高,患病的風險性逐漸增高。
3.Objective To explore the differences between CTT and IRT in ability parameter estimation and its effects on predictive validity of job performance. 目的探討CTT與IRT對被試能力參數估計的差異以及對績效預測性的影響。