avo['ævu:]n. 分(澳門輔幣名)
AVO 振幅隨偏移距變化;振幅隨炮檢距變化;對像;振幅x AVO 高齡犬配方;體重控制配方;鮮鱒魚野糙米配方;素菜配方;AVO meter (安-伏-歐)萬用表;復用電表;Primitive AVO 聽元對像;AVO AutomaticVideoNoiseLevel 自動視頻雜波電平;
1.Therefore, the AVO data processing is critical in AVO analysis, while data processing and suitable parameter selection directly influences the results. 因此,AVO處理是AVO分析研究的關鍵,處理流程及參數的合理與否直接影響分析結果。
2.AVO is a seismic exploration technology using the characteristics of amplitude variation versus offset to recognize the rock types and oil-gas reservoir. 是利用振幅隨偏移距變化特徵分析和識別巖性和油氣藏的地震勘探技術。
3.But prestack three-parameters inversion, AVO attributes volume and seismic inversion jointly help to study physical properties of reservoir rock is just at the beginning. 而疊前三參數反演、利用AVO屬性體和地震反演相結合來研究儲層的物理特性等技術才剛剛開始。