laith[leiθ]adj. 厭惡的;不想的
laith 不想的;獅子 男性 阿拉伯;Yaqub ibn Laith as-Saffar 耶古卜
1.Graffiti appeared on a wall in ugly black paint accusing Laith of selling information about insurgents to the military. 還有人用嚇人的黑色顏料在牆上塗寫,指責他將有關伊拉克暴民的消息賣給美軍。
2.A bout of malaria causes a temporary surge _ a stunning seenfold increase _ in those levels, said lead researcher Laith Abu-Raddad, a scientist at the Uniersity of Washington. 每次瘧疾的發作都會引起病原體短暫的爆發,這種水平下的濃度足以使人昏迷。華盛頓大學的首席研究者LaithAbu-Raddad介紹說。
3.The network says unknown gunmen in Baghdad attacked the vehicle carrying cameraman Alaa Uldeen Aziz and soundman Saif Laith Yousuf as they were returning home from work late Thursday. 這傢電視台說,巴格達身份不明的槍手星期四傍晚在攝影師阿齊茲和錄音師尤素夫下班回傢途中襲擊了他們的車輛。