n. contribution ,parcel ,part ,ploughsharev. deal ,divvy up ,partake ,partake in
share[ʃεə]vt. 分享,分擔;分配vi. 共享;分擔n. 份額;股份
share 股票;共享;分享;股份;dafault share 缺省共享;share repurchase 股份購回;股份回購;股票回購;回購股份;share transfer 股票過戶;股權轉讓書;股份轉讓;股票過戶【轉讓;Share drum 小軍鼓;
1.He will share it with his friend. 他將會和他的朋友一起分享。
2.A very touching story, share with you! 很感人的一篇文章,分享給你!
3.They share the same beliefs and opinions. 他們分享相同的信仰和意見。
I'm afraid I don't share your opinion. - 我不敢苟同。
I share your view on that. - 對這件事我們看法一致。
Let's share the money fifty-fifty. - 我們平分這筆錢吧。
And want to share with them the pleasure and honor of receiving this award. - 並與他們分享這次得獎的喜悅與榮耀。
You'll have your own office soon but for the time being you'll have to share one. - 你很快就有自己的辦公室了,不過暫時還得和別人合用一間。
Does anybody share David's opinion? - 有誰同意大衛的觀點嗎?
It was well-received in all markets, so a gain of three market share points can be expected. - 這在所有市場銷售良好,所以獲得三成的市場佔有率是指日可待的。
We'll share everything. - 我們什麼都可以均分。
Is marriage finding someone to share life with? - 結婚可是在尋覓共同度過人生的人?
if you think what it must be like to share the deck of a ship with several squadrons of jet aircraft, - 因此,如果你能想像出同在一個甲板上是什麼滋味兒的話,和幾個中隊的噴氣機。
This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the'happy few' during the past centuries. - 這說明,經過了多麼漫長的時間之後,我們才認識到,有必要確保我們的孩子享有多少個世紀以來由『少數幸運者』所積累起來的知識。
Every child that is born into his group will share them with him, - 每一個和他誕生在同一個社團中的孩子和他一樣具有相同的風俗;
and won't suffer sleepless nights over share prices. - 不會因股票價格的浮動而夜不能眠。
I don't want to share a room with anybody. I want my own room. - 我不想和任何同住,我想要自己住。
Then you can share the cost of the gas and the car. - 這樣你們可以分攤汽油和租車的費用。
Many people will sleep and eat on the marae during these three days and share their memories of the dead person. - 許多人還會在這3天期間吃住在集會地,以共同悼念亡人。
share electron - 共享電子
share electron pair - 共用電子對
n.分時 - time share