





n. 5 ,basketball team ,fin ,fivesomea. 5 ,v


five[faiv]n. 五,五個;[口]五美元鈔票num. 五,五個adj. 五的;五個的


FIVE 大家都傷心,或大家都幸福;上裡亮太;五子棋;中江川力也;five screwpump 五螺槓泵;五螺槓泵:;五螺槓泵;五螺槓泵-----;Take Five 擊掌為盟;休息五分鐘;一小節五拍;第五組鏡頭;Jackson Five 傑克遜五兄弟;傑克遜五人組;傑克森五人組;傑克遜五人;Unit Five 飲食與餐桌禮儀;第五單元;朋友與友誼;合口雙元音;


1.I live alone with my five cats. 我獨自和五隻貓咪一起生活。

2.You must finish the job before five. 你必須在五點之前完成工作。

3.And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden! 可是,在這一座花園裡就有五千朵完全一樣的這種花!


Only a five percent discount? How about twenty percent? - 只打九五折?八折怎麼樣?

I have spent the last five years working specifically in this field. - 過去五年我專門在這個領域裡工作。

I'm presently making five thousand a month. - 我目前的薪水是5000元。

I'm asking in the five thousand a month. - 我要求月薪5000元。

Sure. We've been in business about five years now. - 當然。我們創業至今有五年的歷史。

Oh, five or six years ago. - 哦,五六年前。

When he came to the States five years ago, he had only forty dollars in his pocket. - 五年前他來美國時,口袋裡只有40美元。

Oh no! It's five thirty. - 哎呀 已經五點半了。

I was expecting him here at five forty-five. - 我們約好了五點四十五在這裡會面的。

And the telephone number is five five five…three oh nine oh. Thank you. - 電話是555-3090。謝謝。

Sure. The number is... five five five...seventeen twenty. - 沒問題 號碼是555-1720。

Hi, Betty. I'll be at five five five...seventeen twenty. - 好 Betty 我的號碼是555-1720。

The train will be stopping in five minutes. - 火車將在五分鐘後靠站。

You were four or five years old, I think. - 當時你才四、五歲 我想。

Tomorrow at five o'clock at the Biltmore. - 明天五點鐘, 在Biltmore飯店。

No. But in five or six months ... - 不急。但是在五 、六個月後……

See you in front of the museum at five o'clock. - 五點鐘博物館前再見。

It's five years ago. - 那是五年前了。

about five years ago. - 大約五年前。

who spent the last five years - 用過去五年的時間

A taxi can get you there in less than five minutes. - 乘坐的士到那兒不用5分鐘。

Can you finish the work by five o'clock tomorrow? - 你能在明天五點鐘之前做完這項工作嗎?

I only had five dollars. - 我只剩五美元。

Looking back, it seems like a very short five years living here and working together with you. - 回顧一下,在這裡和大家一起工作的五年看起來是那麼短暫。

He hasn't done any worthwhile work in five years. - 這五年來他沒做過一件正經事。

I've lived here for five years. - 我住在這裡有5年的時間了。

All produets have to go through five checks in the whole process. - 所有產品在整個生產過程中得通過五道質量檢查關。

So five hundred dollars will be 4, 350 RMB yuan. - 500美元可兌換人民幣4350元。

We think $ 87,000 per unit with a five percent discount for orders over 100. - 我們減少到每台8。7萬美元,訂購超過100台給予5%的折扣。

We now have five different models to choose from. - 我們現在有五種不同的型號供你選擇。

This offer must be withdrawn if we haven't received your reply within five days. - 如果5天之內我方未必到貴方答覆,該盤撤消。

No. It's only take about five minutes to walk. - 不用。只消走5分鐘左右就到了。

This week he took his first vacation from work in five years. - 五年來,他本周破例第一次休假。

I'm going to buy five pieces. - 我要買五片。

I'm going to order five dozen. - 我要訂五打。

I'll be ready within five minutes. - 我五分鐘內就可以準備好了。

In five hours' time! - 5個小時以後!

Wake me up at five thirty. - 請在五點半叫醒我。

He is only about five feet high. - 他大概只有五英尺高。

It costs five hundred pounds. - 它的售價是500英鎊。

Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, - 平赫特離錫爾伯裡只有5英里,

Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. - 15分鐘過去了,而就在11點55分時,大鐘停了。

The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. - 「綠林少年」準備在此逗留5天。

During this time, they will give five performances. - 在此期間,他們將演出5場。

The house was completed five months ago. - 是在5個月以前竣工的。

She is going to set out from the French coast at five o'clock in the morning. - 她打算早上5點鐘從法國海岸出發。

He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before. - 他還說他發現了5只空的威士忌瓶子,肯定是鬼魂昨天晚上喝的。

It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! - 裡面裝了5大塊巧克力和3袋糖果!

As soon as I tap on the window, you must stop within five feet. - 我一敲車窗,你必須把車停在5英尺之內。

Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again. - 幸運的是,什麼也沒有找到。5個小時後,我們又起飛了。


five types of female sterility - 五不女

five types of male sterility - 五不男

five kinds of deficiency - 五不足

five zang-organs - 五中

five body constituents; the five body constituents - 五體

five shu points - 五俞

prognosis based on the five zang-pulses; prognosis based on the fivezang-pulses; the pulse conditions of the five viscera - 五決

five ancient acupuncture methods; five ancient needling techniques - 五刺

five kinds of strain - 五勞

five kinds of impairments caused by overstrain; five kinds of impairments caused by overstuain - 五勞所傷

five kinds of flavor; the five flavours - 五味

addiction to one of the five flavors - 五味偏嗜

attribution of five flavors - 五味所入

abstentions from the five kinds of flavor - 五味所禁

five favorable signs of sores - 五善

five kinds dyspnea with rmfavorable prognosis; five kinds dyspnea with unfavorable prognosis - 五喘惡候

five kinds of exhaustion - 五奪

five annual divisions - 五季

five sense organs - 五官

excess syndrome of the five zang-organs - 五實

five types of fulminant vaginal discharge; the five types of leucorrhagia - 五崩

normal motion of the five dlements; normal motion of the five elements - 五常

five emotions--joy-anger-sorrow-anxiety-fear; the five emotions - 五志

five emotions in excess; overacting of five emotions - 五志過極

five kinds of excess and five kinds of deficiency - 五有餘

five kinds of accumulation in the abdomen - 五極

five kinds of edema; five kinds of ejema - 五水

five kinds of kiarrea; five kinds off diarrhea - 五洩

five kinds of secretions - 五液

five types of stranguria - 五淋

five kinds of boils - 五疔

five kinds of hernia - 五疝

five pestilences - 五疫

five kinds of infantile malnutrition; five kinds of infantile malnutritions - 五疳

five types of jaundice - 五疸

five types of epilepsy - 五癇

five kinds of arthralgia - 五痺

five kinds of goiter - 五癭

powder decoction of peel of five drugs; wupi san - 五皮散

five kinds of stiffness; five types of stiffness - 五硬

abstentions from the five kinds of flavor - 五禁

five mimic-animal boxing - 五禽戲

five kinds of accumulation in the abdomen - 五積

five kinds of essence - 五精

five cases of sudden death - 五絕

five kinds of swelling with unfavorable prognosis - 五腫惡候

restriction in five elements - 五勝

five pulse conditios of the zang organ; five zang-related pulses - 五脈

the five parenchymatous viscera - 五臟

five sense organs as windows of the five viscera - 五臟之閱


n.五禁,五味所禁 - abstentions from the five kinds of flavor

n.脾屬土 - according to the theory of the five elements

n.五味偏嗜 - addiction to one of the five flavors

n.五色五味所入 - attribution of five colors and five flavors

n.五味所入 - attribution of five flavors

n.黃芪桂枝五物湯 - decoction of five drus

n.五虛 - deficiency syndrome of the five zang-organs

n.五色主病 - diagnostic significance of the five colors

n.五實 - excess syndrome of the five zang-organs

n.五臟所惡 - factors intolerable to the five zang-organ

n.五腑 - five fu-organ or five hollow organs

n.五有餘 - five kinds of excess and five kinds of deficiency

n.五臟化液 - five secretions derived from the five zang-organs

n.五臟之閱 - five sense organs as windows of the five viscera

n.四時五季 - four seaons and five annual divisions

n.四時五季 - four seasons and five annual divisions

n.制化 - inhibition and generation of the five elements

n.五行相剋 - interacting relation of the five elements

n.相生 - interpromoting relation in five elements

n.生剋制化 - interpromotion and restraint of the five elements

n.五常 - normal motion of the five dlements

n.五常 - normal motion of the five elements

n.五志過極 - overacting of five emotions

n.五皮散 - powder decoction of peel of five drugs

n.五苓散 - powder of five drugs with poria

n.五決 - prognosis based on the five zang-pulses

n.五勝 - restriction in five elements

n.五行相剋 - restriction of checking relation in five elements

n.相剋 - restriction or checking relation in five elements

n.相乘 - subjugation or encroachment in five elements

n.五臟所主 - the charges of the five viscera

n.五體 - the five body constituents

n.五志 - the five emotions

n.五味 - the five flavours

n.五邪 - the five kinds of evils

n.五遲 - the five kinds of tardy growth in infants

n.五臟 - the five parenchymatous viscera

n.五軟 - the five softeness

n.五崩 - the five types of leucorrhagia

n.五臟六腑 - the five viscera and six bowels

n.五決 - the pulse conditions of the five viscera

n.補五臟 - tonifying the five viscera

n.麥角酰二乙胺 - twenty five

n.反克,反侮 - violation or reverse restriction in five elements

n.五臟所藏 - whst the five zang-organs store

n.水 - water in five elements

n.五臟所主 - what the five viscera control

n.五臟所惡 - what the five zang-organs are averse to

n.五臟所藏 - what the five zang-organs store


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