1.Here, two leafcutter ants dismantle a leaf in Peru's Manu National Forest. 照片中,秘魯的摩奴國家森林裡兩隻南美切葉蟻正在啃切一片樹葉。
2.The results showed that 29~30℃ at 60%~70% RH was the optimum condition for the hatching of leafcutter bees. 結果表明,苜蓿切葉蜂在29~30℃、相對濕度60%~70%和通風良好的條件下孵化最為適宜;
3.The leafcutter ants are accountable for 25 per cent of all leaf destruction in the South American rainforests, and predatory ants eat more insects than all other animals put together. 南美雨林25%的樹葉破壞都要歸咎於南美切葉蟻。而掠食性螞蟻吃掉的昆蟲數比所有其他動物吃掉的總數還要多。