RDN 名稱;Relative Distinguished Name;別名;相對可分辨名稱;RDN RelativeDistinguishedName 相對可區分名稱【網絡管理;RDN RemoteDesktopManagementInterface 遠程桌面管理系統接口;RDN Reduction 減少,降低;RDN Relative Distinguished Name 相對可區分名稱【網絡治理;相對可識別名;
1.Given the RDN containing only the unique Identifier attributes. 賦予一個RDN的屬性,並且此屬性擁有唯一的值。
2.RDN Manufacturing is a dedicated manufacturer of high quality post-extrusion equipment with a focus on optimizing extrusion productivity. RDN生產公司是一家高質量擠塑設備生產廠商,公司主要關注優化的擠出產品。
3.RDN has verified that as of today, at least 58 participants in 13 provinces have been either interrogated, threatened, or placed under surveillance. 維權網查實,截至今天為止,至少有13個省市58名人士因簽署《零八憲章》而受到傳訊、威脅、監控。