waited[weit]vt. 等候;推遲;延緩vi. 等待;耽擱;伺候用餐n. 等待;等候
waited 等待的;等(過);I waited patiently 耐心地等待;I have waited 我會一直等;wait waited waited 譯:等;I waited for someone 只為等待一個人;等待某人;
1.Dinner is waiting for you. 午飯已經給你們準備好了。
2.They waited about an hour. 他們等了大約一小時。
3.She waited patiently for the plane. 她在那耐心地等著飛機。
Are you being waited on? - 您需要服務嗎?
I waited for you for about a quarter of an hour. - 我等了你差不多一刻鐘。
We waited for john in the lobby of the airport. - 我們在機場的大廳裡等約翰。
Bill was very jumpy as he waited for the phone to ring. - 貝爾忐忑不安地等著電話來。
We waited and waited, but nothing happened. - 我們等啊等啊,可情況沒有變化。
He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later. - 他等到火山平靜下來,兩天以後又返回去。
'At ten to eight.I bought a paper and waited for the train.' - 「7點50分。我買了張報紙,等著車來。」
I waited till he came near, then I asked him the way to our old village. - 等他走近了,問他去老家的路。
I waited by the kitchen door. - 我在廚房門旁等著。
He waited until someone new joined the company and then began to steal. - 他等待有人剛加入公司後才開始偷竊。
Then Von Frisch moved the dish to the east of the hive and waited for a marked bee to feed. - 然後,馮·弗裡施把碟子移到蜂箱的西邊,等待有標記的蜜蜂來吃。