learning approach or learning 學習方式;Exploration on Concept Mapping Teaching of Learning Effect and Learning Attitude in Integrative Acticity Course of Junior Middle School 概念構圖在國民中學綜合活動領域學習成效與學習態度之研究-以服裝設計單元為例,;The Implementation of Collaborative Learning Model in Online Theme-Based Learning for Music-Talented Elementary School Students 黃沃才 翻譯並評論;Exploration on Concept Mapping Teaching of Learning Effect and Learning Attitude in Integrative Acticity Course of Junior Middle School 概念構圖在國民中學綜合活動領域學習成效與學習態度之研究-以服裝設計單元為例,;Relation between Intensity of Learning Motivation and Learning Efficiency 學習動機強度與學習效率的關係;
1.From this, try to expounding the basic principles of social learning: observational learning, action learning, learning experience and context learning. 由此,嘗試提出並闡發幼兒社會學習的基本原理:觀察學習、行動學習、體驗學習和情境學習。
2.Mostly, becoming a program manager is about learning: learning about technology, learning about people, and learning how to be effective in a political organization. 通常,成為一個程序經理是個學習的過程:鑽研技術,瞭解他人,並且學習如何使一個團隊有效地工作。
3.Good learning motivation can improve the learning interest and learning activity, enable students to form good learning habits, and achieve satisfactory effects. 良好的學習動機可提高學生的學習興趣和積極性,促進學生養成良好的學習行為,取得好的學習效果。
4.Demand-pull learning shifts the focus to enabling participation in flows of action, where the focus is both on "learning to be" through enculturation into a practice as well as on collateral learning. 需求拉動學習轉變的關鍵是參與變化的行動,焦點是通過對某種文化的適應使「學習成為」一種實踐,就如在進行協同學習那樣。
5.The Problem of Credit Assignment. Perceptron Learning Rule. Convergence Theorem. ? Learning by Gradient Following. Online learning. 原因探究、應機學習規則、斂定理。梯度跟隨學習法、上學習。