r. thirstily
eagerlyadv. 急切地;渴望地;熱心地
eagerly 渴望地;熱心地;熱切地;急切地;eagerly fetch 即時獲取;eagerly anticipate-look forward to 熱切地期望-盼望;not by seeking gain through base means but eagerly 務要牧養你們中間神的群羊,按著神監督他們,不是出於勉強,乃是出於甘心;不是為著卑鄙的利益,乃是出於熱切;just like how moth fly eagerly towards the fire 猶如飛蛾撲火那麼衝動;
1.The children eagerly learn something new from the teacher every day. 孩子們每天都渴望從老師身上學習新事物。
2.On my birthday, my mother made me a bowl as I sat at the table eagerly awaiting my just reward. 生日那天,我在餐桌邊急切地等待著這應得的獎賞──母親給我沖了一碗這種麥片。
3.Walking in the desert, people badly need sweet spring water. Struggling in adversity, people eagerly want to have true friendship. 在沙漠裡行走,人們急切需要甘甜的泉水,在逆境中掙扎,人們渴望擁有真誠的友誼。
On turning eagerly to the text, one learns that the lady was a typist who found the sound of office typewriters worried her more and more until eventually she had to go into a mental hospital. - 當人們急切地看完正文後,便知道這位女子是個打字員,辦公室打字機的聲音使她越來越煩惱,最終住進了精神病醫院。