hand-sort 手揀;手揀 手選;手選;手揀 手選;hand-sort card 手動分類卡片;
1.and then into a left-hand sort of hairpin. 然後再要過一個左轉的髮夾彎道。
2.Mr Catmull and his colleagues quickly realised that fancy technology was not enough, and that story-telling was just as vital to computer animation as to the hand-drawn sort. 凱特默和他的同事們很快意識到花拳繡腿的技術是無事無補的,和手繪動畫一樣,故事情節在電腦動畫中也起著舉足輕重的作用。
3.The beings who looked like male and female bears walking around on broad, elephantine feet-and wearing harnesses that supported cases and pouches and hand weapons of some sort-were Karbarrans. 在船上走來走去卡巴拉人,看起來就像雄性或雌性的熊,他們有著笨拙的雙腳,身著帶有口袋、容器和手持武器的甲冑。