Hiragana[,hirə'ɡɑ:nə]n. 平假名(日語)
Hiragana 平假名;平反名;平假名〔日語字母的草書;日文平假名;
1.In Japanese, any unconverted character having the ATTR_ INPUT attribute is a Hiragana, Katakana, or alphanumeric character. 在日文中,任何擁有ATTR_NPUT屬性而不能被轉換的字符都是一個平假名、假名是數字字母。
2.The hiragana also may act as in the sentence other not concrete meaning ingredient, in the example "" is an auxiliary, uses for to separate " " (this) and "the Japanese language". 平假名也可以充當句子中的其它無具體意思的成份,如例中的「」就是一個助詞,用來分隔「」(這)和「日本語」。
3.Japan had no written, is a Chinese-characters from the past do not have to say, the Japanese text of Hiragana from Wang's cursive, Katakana is the Chinese character of the radical radicals. 日本本來沒有文字,漢字是中國傳過去的自不必說,日本文字中的平假名則來自王羲之的草書,片假名則是中國漢字的偏旁部首。