





n. lapp ,lapplander ,saame ,saamia. equal ,equivalent ,like


a. different ,other ,unequal ,unlike


same[seim]adj. 相同的;同一的;上述的(通常與the連用);無變化的pron. 同樣的事物或人(通常與the連用)adv. 同樣地(通常與the連用)


Same 相同;腺甘蛋氨酸;相同的;同一的;same phase 同相位;同相;同蟲 位;same clock 比賽計時表;SAME SubscriberAccessMaintenanceEntity 用戶訪問維護實體;Same difference 半斤八兩;相同的差異;


1.Every time he got the same result. 每次他都得到了同樣的結果。

2.Each frame should be the same size. 每一幀必須包含相同的尺寸。

3.She often asks herself the same question. 她常常反問自己同樣的問題。


We have another event to attend on the same day. - 那天我們有其他活動要參加。

We have another appointment on the same day. - 我們那天有另外一個約會。

Thank you. The same to you. - 謝謝。聖誕快樂!

Thank you, Mr. Tom. The same to you. - 謝謝,湯姆先生。也祝你聖誕快樂!

I felt the same way. - 我當時也有這種感受。

I said exactly the same thing to Grandpa. - 我跟你爺爺說了同樣的話。

Oh, I feel the same way, Susan. - 噢 ,我也有同樣的感受 ,Susan。

Maybe he can do the same thing for your grandfather. - 也許他能為你爺爺做同樣的事。

The same baseball glove? - 同樣一個棒球手套嗎?

If I've ever been sure of anything, I'm sure of this; your team is going to lose the same game on Saturday. - 這一次我十分肯定:你們隊星期六的比賽會輸。

I have two career opportunities at the same time. - 我同時有兩個事業機會。

I might do the same thing. - 我也可能會做同樣的決定。

I was the same way. - 我當年也是這樣。

But then I found out that people are the same everywhere - 但是後來我發現哪裡的人都是一樣的

I guess we were thinking the same thought. - 我想我們的心意相同。

Well, it's all part of the same job. - 嗯 它們都是同一項工作的一部份。

I'm of the same opinion. - 我也是這個意見。

We all have the same 168 hours per week, it's what you do with them that counts. - 我們每個人一周裡都有 168 個小時,就看你怎麼利用。

I think exactly the same way. - 我也是這樣想的。

But, at the same time, they wish he weren't going so far away. - 但同時,他們希望他不要離得這麼遠。

I think exactly the same way. - 我完全同意。

We're in the same boat. - 我們處境相同。

We are in the same boat, we both failed the exam. - 我們都一樣,考試都沒及格。

If y ou lose your job I'll lose mine, so we're in the same boat. - 如果你失去工作,我也會失去的,所以我們處境相同。

We are of the same mind, so let us act quickly. - 我們心意一致,所以及早行動吧。

Although men are very different, often they have the same feelings. - 人們雖然各自迥然不同,但是都具有相同的感情。

I used to have lunch every day at the same time. - 我過去常每天在同一時間吃午餐。

As you can see in this photo, we've retained the same style which was so popular in this old model. - 正如你在這張圖片上所看到的,同風格的這種舊型產品非常流行,我們保留了它。

The same to you! - 也祝你生日快樂!

Thank you! Same to you. - 謝謝。你也一樣。

Best wishes! The same to you. - 致以最良好的祝願。

We have a lot of invitation cards, but they are all for the same date. - 我們接到了許多請帖,但是上面的日期卻全都是同一天。

Women have the same rights as you! - 女人也和你一樣享有同等權力!

Didn't I tell you he's same size to me? - 我沒有說過他和我一樣大小嗎?

My thesis is due the same week as midterms. - 畢業論文截止的日期,和期中考試那一周重複。

Do you live in the same block? - 你在同一條街居住嗎?

A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change. - 一本好書今天如此,將來也如此,永不改變。

A duck will not always dabble in the same gutter. - 一隻鴨子不會常在同一條溝中玩水。

A man can not spin and reel at the same time. - 一心不能二用。

A man cannot whistle and drink at he same time. - 一心不能二用。

It is a silly fish, that is caught twice with the same bait. - 蠢人才吃兩次虧。

It is my own fault if I am deceived by the same man twice. - 在同一個人那裡上兩次當只能怪自己。

Serve somebody with the same sauce. - 以其人之道還治其人之身。

The law is not the same at morning and at night. - 早上的法令跟晚上的不一樣;朝令夕改。

The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. - 水能載舟,也能覆舟。

You cannot flay the same ox twice. - 一頭牛不能剝兩次皮。

You cannot have two forenoons in the same day. - 一日之中不可能有兩個上午。

I can't do two things at the same time. - 我只有一雙手。

He's the same as always. - 他還是老樣子。

I feel the same way. - 我也有同感。


same sizeratio; same-size ratio; samesizeratio - 一比一

channels of the same name - 同名經

treating the same disease with different methods - 同病異治

same sizeratio; same-size ratio; samesizeratio - 等比量

slight difference in the same pulse condition - 脈微甚

blood and sweat are from the same source - 血汗同源

heat symptoms caused by an exopathogen; pathogenic heat; same as heat-evil - 邪熱


n.血汗同源 - blood and sweat are from the same source

n.同名經 - channels of the same name

n.脈微甚 - slight difference in the same pulse condition

n.治療方法基本相同 - the treatment is basically the same

n.同病異治 - treating the same disease with different methods

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