Saxonyn. 薩克森羊毛(德國薩克森產);薩克森毛呢
Saxony 薩克森;薩克森邦;薩克森;薩克遜;Saxony wool 薩克森羊毛;薩克森綿羊毛;Saxony brussels 薩克森窗簾布;Saxony Merino 薩克森美利奴;薩克森美利奴綿羊;Saxony finish 薩克森呢面微茸加工;
1.In January their popularity will be tested in elections in two important states, Hesse and Lower Saxony. 明年一月在黑塞和下薩克森兩個十分重要的州進行的選舉將考驗他們的支持率。
2.As against the two the Pope endeavoured to induce the princes to elect one of their own number, preferably the Elector of Saxony. 既然兩個都不中意,教皇就使盡渾身解數勸貴族們選一位自己人,最好是撒克遜尼選侯。
3.Only in Saxony can the CDU form a "black-yellow" coalition with the liberal Free Democrats (FDP), a partnership Ms Merkel hopes to replicate at federal level. 基民盟只在薩克森能夠與自民黨結成「黃黑」聯盟,而默克爾希望能夠與自民黨在其他州也能將聯盟政策貫徹到底。