peoplewaren. 人件(軟件學上新的概念)
peopleware 人件;liveware peopleware 人件;
1.I had to agree with him: Peopleware is a great book. 我必須同意:Peopleware的確是一本劃時代巨著。
2.After the speech I went up to the speaker. "I agree with you about Peopleware, " I said. "Tell me: did you have private offices for your developers at all your startups? 演說結束後,我朝著講者走去,問道:「我認同你對Peopleware的觀點,告訴我,你所有的新創公司都有為開發者準備私人辦公室嗎?」
3.After the speech I went up to the speaker. "I agree with you about Peopleware, " I said. "Tell me: did you have private offices for your developers at all your startups? 在發表完演說後,我朝著講者走去,問道:「我認同你對Peopleware的觀點,告訴我,你所有的新創公司都有為開發者準備私人辦公室嗎?」