





n. cleansing ,cleanup


cleaning['kli:niŋ]n. 清洗;清除;去污;大敗v. 清潔(clean的ing形式)


cleaning 清洗;淨化;去污;清潔;blast cleaning 爆破清潔;噴砂清理;噴砂清淨;噴光處理;cleaning rod 卷棉棒;清理棒;通槍條;通條;post cleaning 後清洗;釋義:後清洗;acid cleaning 酸洗;酸液流滌;酸液洗滌;


1.Cleaning procedures should normally be validated. 清潔程序通常需要驗證。

2.To do daily cleaning and maintenance in and around the plant facilities. 做工廠設備的每日清潔和維護包括給機器上油。

3.Know well about the carpet shampoo, marble crystallization, glass cleaning, metal polishing and machine operation. 熟練掌握地毯清洗、大理石結晶、玻璃刮洗、金屬拋光和機器操作。


How about cleaning up a bit around here? - 你是不是該把這兒收拾一下?

I'm cleaning the yard outside. - 我在外面清理庭院。

When the accident happened, I was cleaning the car. - 當意外事故發生的時候,我在清理汽車。

When the light went out, I was cleaning the yard. - 當熄燈的時候,我在清理庭院。

Why didn't you like cleaning house so much? - 為什麼你那麼不喜歡清理房子?

'I don't think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night. - 「我看不必在夜裡這個時候擦窗子吧。

I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, 'I enjoy cleaning windows at night.' - 「我喜歡在夜裡擦窗子。」

I'm cleaning the house. - 我在打掃房間。

He's over there. He's cleaning the car. - 他在那邊,在洗車。

We will use it for cleaning the inside of the ship. If we do this, we shall have less sickness. Please get me 300 litres. I think that will be enough. - 我們將要用醋清理船艙。如果我們這樣做的話,我們就會少生些病。請給我購買300升。我想這就夠了。


cleaning of perineal hematoma - 會陰血腫清除

cleaning cartridge; purger - 淨化器

the hollow organ for cleaning up the wastes - 淨腑

n. step cleaning cell - 分級精選槽

n. chemical coal cleaning process - 化學炭清洗法

air cleaning equipment; gas purifier - 氣體淨化設備

n. gas cleaning device - 氣體清理裝置

n. cleaning segregation method - 洗滌分離法

cleaning compound - 洗滌劑

cleaning mixture; cleaning solution; cleaningsolution; washing solution - 洗滌液

cleaning powder - 洗滌粉

cleaning solution; cleaningsolution; lotion; washings - 洗液

abluent; cleaning agent; cleanser; detergent - 清潔劑

cleaning degree - 清潔度

cleaning solution; cleaningsolution - 清潔液

cleaning enema; cleansing enema - 清潔灌腸

cleaning equipment; n. cleaning equipment - 清潔設備

cleaning action - 清洗作用

n. cleaning equipment - 清洗設備

n. coal cleaning method - 煤清洗法

air cleaning equipment - 空氣淨化裝置

lipaemia cleaning factor - 血脂症淨化因子

n. cleaning of aluminum alloys - 鋁合金清潔處理

n. cleaning of aluminum alloys - 鋁合金清洗

n. cleaning action - 陰極霧化作用


n.空氣淨化 - air cleaning

n.空氣淨化裝置,氣體淨化設備 - air cleaning equipment

鹼清洗 - alkali cleaning

n.清砂 - blast cleaning

n.化學脫垢 - chemical cleaning

藥物洗滌法 - chemical cleaning method

n.病灶清除 - focal cleaning

清菌現象 - fungus cleaning phenomenon

n.大掃除 - general cleaning

n.血脂症淨化因子 - lipaemia cleaning factor

口腔清潔 - mouth cleaning

手術的口腔清潔法 - operative mouth cleaning

外科消除術 - surgical cleaning

n.淨腑 - the hollow organ for cleaning up the wastes

n.全盆腔清除術 - total pelvic cleaning

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