





r. all the way ,clearlyn. opena. light ,open ,unmortgaged ,well-definedv. authorise ,brighten ,pass ,unclutter


a. cloudy ,ill-defined ,opaque ,unclearv. bounce ,clutter ,convict ,overcast


clear[kliə]adj. 清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;無罪的vt. 通過;清除;使乾淨;跳過vi. 放晴;變清澈adv. 清晰地;完全地n. 清除;空隙


clear 復位功能;高遠球;消除;大腳解圍;clear away 把…清除掉,收拾;把…清除掉;(雲)消失;掃除,收拾;clear off 消除,擺脫(負擔等);(雲霧等)消散;清除;收拾,整理;clear of 沒有,不接觸;脫離;離開;掃清;clear up 使變清;整理,收拾;清除,解除;(天氣)變晴;


1.The rain cleared the air, and the grass smelt fresh and sweet. 雨水使空氣變得潔淨,青草發出清新芬芳的氣味。

2.Please give me a clear answer. 請給我一個清楚的答案。

3.And one clear call for me! 有清晰的聲音對我呼喚!


which we made clear at the beginning of the negotiation. - 關於這一點,我們早在開始談判時期就講明了。

It's bright and clear today. - 今天天氣晴空萬里。

Well, I wasn't clear about my future, - 我對自己的未來當時也不清楚,

the voters will have a clear choice. - 投票人可以有明確的選擇。

Why not give the people of Riverdale a clear choice? - 為什麼不讓Riverdale的人民有一個明確的選擇呢?

She has a clear head. - 她頭腦清晰。

Are you clear in your own mind what you ought to do. - 你自己是否清楚該做什麼?

It is said it will clear up tonight. - 天氣預報說今晚雨就會停。

What will it be after the clear weather? - 晴天以後天氣會怎麼樣?

It'll probably clear up this afternoon. - 今天下午可能放晴。

We should make it clear whether the damage was caused in transit or during the unloading process, or by other reasons. - 我們要弄清楚貨物是否在運輸途中受損,還是在卸貨過程中受損,或者別的原因。

We must make it clear from the very beginning that competitive quotations are acceptable. - 必須一開始就講清的是,有競爭力的報價可以接受。

We'd like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract. - 我們希望搞清楚有關合同中技術方面的幾個問題。

It is clear that fish is bigger than others and wins the championship. - 這一條明明比其他的大,而且會獲勝的。

Allow me to clear up this confusion. - 容許我澄清這種混淆。

I got a clear picture on the TV set. - 我的電視機有很清晰的畫面。

A clear conscience is a soft pillow. - 問心無愧,高枕無憂。

A clear conscience is a sure card. - 光明磊落,勝券在握。

A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. - 白日不做虧心事,夜半敲門心不驚。

A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast. - 寧為清貧,不為濁富。

Rain comes after sunshine, and after a dark cloud, a clear sky. - 晴日之後有雨水,烏雲過去見青天。

It is clear that the cat has eaten it! - 很明顯,是貓偷吃的!

A clear conscience laughs at false accusation. - 只要問心無愧,無端的指責可以一笑置之。

She makes it clear that she doesn't like swimming. - 她明確地表示她不喜歡游泳。

He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes. - 他上了年紀,有著灰白的頭髮和明亮的藍眼睛。

but fearing that she would never see Rastus again -- the letter had made that quite clear -- she changed her mind. - 但又害怕再也見不到拉斯特斯——這點,信上說得十分明白——於是便改變了主意。

The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. - 兩個人爭吵不休,顯而易見,只有較量一番才能解決問題。

If the landscape is hidden from view, you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky. - 如果這種景色被遮住了,你可以觀賞一下展現在你面前的、一望數英里的、連綿不斷的雲海,同時陽光燦爛,天空清澈明朗。

Even under a clear blue sky, the village looked forbidding, as all the houses were built of grey mud bricks. - 農舍全用灰色的土坯建成,因此,即使在晴朗的藍天底下,村莊看上去也會令人感到難以親近。

It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence. - 事情很清楚,在她外出時,竊賊曾闖進家門。

they can locate and steer clear of obstacles -- or locate flying insects on which they feed. - 並能通過回聲來確定並躲開障礙物,或找到它們賴以為生的昆蟲。

It is fairly clear that sleeping period must have some function, - 很清楚,睡眠必然具有某種作用。

The serious investor needs a proper 'portfolio' --a well-planned selection of investments, with a definite structure and a clear aim. - 認真的投資者需要一份正規的投資組合表一種計劃很周密的投資選擇,包括你的投資結構和明確的目標。

We'd like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract. - 我們希望搞清楚有關合同中技術方面的幾個問題。

From the top of it, you could see up to a distance of 130 kilometres on a clear day. - 在晴朗的日子裡,從樓的頂層你可以看到130公里遠的地方。

Even before India won independence from its British rulers, it was clear that Gandhi was the key figure and leader in the struggle of 380 million Indians to govern themselves. - 甚至在印度從英國統治下獲得獨立之前,在3。8億印度人民爭取自治的鬥爭中,甘地很顯然是位關鍵人物與領袖。

Things were clear now. - 事情現在清楚了。

It soon became clear that the straight part of the dance changed when the sun's position changed. If the feeding place was toward the sun, the dancer headed straight upward during the straight part of the wagging dance. - 情況很快就弄清了,舞蹈的直線部分是隨著太陽位置的變化而變化的。


strengthen the spleen and clear the liver - 健脾疏肝

nourishing yin to clear away the lung-heat - 養陰清肺

clear cell carcinoma of ovary; mesonephroid carcinoma of ovary - 卵巢中腎樣癌

clear cell carcinoma of endometrium - 子宮內膜透明細胞癌

clear the water passages - 宣通水道

copious and clear urine - 小便清長

profuse disxharge of clear urine - 小便量多而清

clear out - 把

clear out - 把...清出

clear point - 明朗點

clear cells; clearcells - 明細胞

clear away the heat from both qi and yijn systems; clearing away the heat from both qi and ying - 氣營兩清

saliva; the thin and clear body fluid; the thin and clear gody fluid - 津

clear zone - 清亮區

clear synaptic vesicle - 清亮型突觸小泡

n. clear lacquer - 清噴漆

clear away heart-fire; clearing away the heart-fire; clearing away the heartfire; dispel pathogenic heat of the pericardium - 清心

clear qi - 清氣

clear the conjunctival sac - 清潔結膜囊

n. clear varnish transparent lacquer - 清洗光澤透明漆

eliminate the phlegm and clear heat; remove heat-phlegm; removing heat-phlegm - 清熱化痰

clear away heat and resolve the stagnation; clearing away heat and resolving stagnation - 清熱導滯

clear away lung-heat and moisturize dryness; clearing away the lungheat andmoisturizing - 清肺潤燥

clear cell carcinoma of thyroid gland - 甲狀腺透明細胞癌

phosphorus clear ance test - 磷鉬酸試法

clear cold and elimintae phlegm - 祛寒化痰

expel wind and cold; expel wind evil and clear away cold - 祛風散寒

clear cell carcinoma of liver - 肝透明細胞癌

clear layer; stratum lucidum - 透明層

n. clear varnish transparent lacquer - 透明清漆

clear cell acanthoma - 透明細胞棘皮瘤

clear cell tumor - 透明細胞瘤

clear cell carcinomma - 透明細胞癌

clear cell myoepithelioma - 透明細胞肌上皮瘤

n. cellulose acetate clear dope - 醋酸纖維清潔塗料

n. cellulose acetate clear dope - 醋酸纖維素清洗漆


n.小便清長 - copious and clear urine

n.清熱化痰 - eliminate the phlegm and clear heat

n.祛風散寒 - expel wind evil and clear away cold

n.養陰清肺 - nourishing yin to clear away the lung-heat

n.磷鉬酸試法 - phosphorus clear ance test

n.小便量多而清 - profuse disxharge of clear urine

n.健脾疏肝 - strengthen the spleen and clear the liver

n.津 - the thin and clear body fluid

n.津 - the thin and clear gody fluid

n.明的 - water clear


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