comicallyadv. 滑稽地;詼諧地
comically 滑稽地;可笑;comically facetiously farcically humorously humourously ludicrously 滑稽地;
1.The film is a comically poignant portrait of a middle-aged father searching for a son he did not know he had. 這部影片喜感又沉痛地描述一位中年父親,尋找未曾謀面的兒子。
2.Comically, Greenpeace is now considering a plan to promote its e-waste campaign via podcasting—a technology that Apple helped to popularize. 搞笑的是,綠色和平組織目前正考慮計劃通過播客來推進其電子廢品行動,而這一技術恰恰就是蘋果公司幫助推廣的。
3.To make matters worse for the General's consistently thwarted ambitions, Grievous is saddled with an ineffectual army of comically inept battle droids -- all of whom are also voiced by Wood. 為了讓情況對這位將軍一再受挫的野心變得更加糟糕,格裡弗斯被迫統領一支由笨拙可笑的戰鬥機器人組成的廢物軍隊——所有的戰鬥機器人也都由伍德配音。