





n. fill ,pick ,weft ,woof


filling['filiŋ]n. 填充;填料v. 填滿;遍及(fill的ing形式)


filling in 填砂;糊版;填空補缺;嵌花筒;filling solenoid 充氣電磁閥(氣流開關:;充氣電磁閥(氣流開關);充氣電磁閥(氣流開關);filling pressure 充盈壓;充裝壓力;填充壓力;充盈壓?;filling chock 墊木,填材;填材;填塊;填料;poor filling 充填不良;


1.I can feel the silent energy filling the entire auditorium. 我可以感覺到靜謐的能量充滿整個禮堂。

2.I know that education can only enhance my interest in filling my soul. 我知道只有教育才能夠增強我的興趣,充盈我的靈魂。

3.Little Amy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor peered over the fence. 小艾米在花園裡向一個洞裡填沙,她的鄰居此時正隔著籬笆注視著她。


her flags flying, pennants waving, sails filling in the breeze, - 艦旗迎風招展,三角旗隨風飄動,微風鼓起風帆,

We're having a lot of trouble filling this order. - 我們這次供貨很有問題。


filling material; fillingmaterial - 充填材料

filling abrasive material - 充填材料用磨頭

filling cells; fulldorper - 充實體

filling pressure - 充盈壓

filling phase - 充盈期

filling defect - 充盈缺損

reduced filling period - 減慢充盈期

n. back filling system - 回填系統

n. filling up piece - 填充件

bulking agent; bulkingagent; filling material; fillingmaterial; n. coupler,loading - 填充劑

n. filling core - 填充型芯

n. filling machine - 填充機

n. filling core - 填充芯

composie filling resin; compound filling resin - 復合充填樹脂

compound filling liquid resin - 復合充填樹脂液

mean circulatory filling pressure - 平均循環系充盈壓

mean filling pressure of circulatory system - 循環系平均充盈壓

rapid filling wave of ventricle - 心室快速充盈波

slow filling wave of ventricle - 心室緩慢充盈波

filling out of waist of heart - 心腰部膨出

rapid filling fraction - 快充盈分數

rapid filling wave time - 快充盈波動時間

rapid filling rate - 快充盈率

rapid filling velocity - 快充盈速率

rapid filling phase - 快速充盈期

filling by hand - 手工灌注法

early filling fraction - 早期充盈分數

early filling volume ratio - 早期充盈容積比率

crateriform filling defect - 杯口狀充盈缺損

root canal filling paste - 根管充填糊劑

liquid filling machine - 液體分裝機

volumetric liuid filling machine - 液體計量灌注器

tooth filling instruments - 牙體充填器械

filling defect of cecum - 盲腸鋇影殘缺

n. filling frame - 直接緯紗細紗機

reduced filling period; slow filling peroid - 緩慢充盈期

filling of bladder - 膀胱充盈

automatic filling and sealing machine - 自動灌封機

diastolic filling period - 舒張充血期

early diastolic rapid filling waveof ventricle - 舒張早期心室快速充盈波

alate diastolic show filling wave of ventricle - 舒張晚期心室緩慢充盈波

vermiform filling defect - 蟲蝕狀充盈缺損

filling machine for collapsible tube - 軟膏錫管填充器

filling material; fillingmaterial - 鑲補料

irregular filling of appendix - 闌尾充盈不規則


n.舒張晚期心室緩慢充盈波 - alate diastolic show filling wave of ventricle

全循環充滿平均壓 - all circulation filling pressure of average

安瓿裝機,針藥針藥機 - ampul filling machine

汞合金充填,汞合金修復 - amalgam filling

n.自動灌封機 - automatic filling and sealing machine

n.骨粘合劑填充術 - bone-cement filling

n.窩洞充填 - cavity filling

n.水門汀充填 - cement filling

n.冷填料 - cold filling

n.柱填充 - column filling

結合填充,聯合充填 - combination filling

n.復合充填樹脂 - composie filling resin

n.復合樹脂充填 - composite resin filling

n.復合充填樹脂液 - compound filling liquid resin

n.復合充填樹脂 - compound filling resin

n.杯口狀充盈缺損 - crateriform filling defect

n.補牙 - dental filling

舒張期充盈 - diastolic filling

n.舒張充血期 - diastolic filling period

n.舒張早期心室快速充盈波 - early diastolic rapid filling waveof ventricle

n.早期充盈分數 - early filling fraction

n.早期充盈容積比率 - early filling volume ratio

箔充填 - foil filling

n.填塗 - full filling

n.闌尾充盈不規則 - irregular filling of appendix

n.液體分裝機 - liquid filling machine

n.根管塑化 - liquid root canal filling

n.平均循環系充盈壓 - mean circulatory filling pressure

n.循環系平均充盈壓 - mean filling pressure of circulatory system

n.過度充盈 - over filling

n.永久性充填 - permanent filling

成形充填,塑料充填 - plastic filling

塑料填充器,成形填充器 - plastic filling instrument

n.瓷充填 - porcelain filling

預防填塞 - prophylactic filling

n.放射性填充 - radioactive filling

n.快充盈分數 - rapid filling fraction

n.快速充盈期 - rapid filling phase

n.快充盈率 - rapid filling rate

n.快充盈速率 - rapid filling velocity

n.心室快速充盈波 - rapid filling wave of ventricle

n.快充盈波動時間 - rapid filling wave time

n.緩慢充盈期,減慢充盈期 - reduced filling period

樹脂填充 - resin filling

n.根管充填 - root canal filling

n.根管充填糊劑 - root canal filling paste

n.自凝塑料充填 - self-curing resin filling

n.銀汞充填,銀汞合金充填 - silver amalgam filling

n.緩慢充盈期 - slow filling peroid

n.心室緩慢充盈波 - slow filling wave of ventricle

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