





r. fully ,to the fulln. full moon ,full phase of the moon ,full-of-the-moona. entire ,good ,replete ,totalv. wax


a. empty ,thinv. wane


Full[ful]adj. 完全的,完整的;滿的,充滿的;豐富的;完美的;豐滿的;詳盡的adv. 十分,非常;完全地;整整vt. 把衣服縫得寬大n. 全部;完整


full 報滿;完整的、豐滿的;豐滿,飽和;把稀疏矩陣轉換為非稀疏陣;full shot 全景;全力擊球;全景攝影;全景鏡頭;Full HD 全高清;高畫質;高解析度;full employment 整日制工作;充分就業;充分就業,全面就業;全職工作;Full duplex 全雙工;全雙工;(全雙工):在一條連接上同時發送和接受數據的能力。;(全雙工):能夠在發送站點和接收站點之間同時進行數據傳輸的能力.;


1.The wide fields were full of music. 寬闊的田野到處都是音樂聲。

2.Where I find the full software install? 如果我發現完整的軟件安裝?

3.This basket is full. 這個籃子是滿的。


Yes, but Dr. Lee's schedule is full for today. How about 9:00 tonight? - 可以,不過李醫生今天的時間排滿了。今晚9點好嗎?

Is it true that it's full of wonders there? - 那裡充滿了奇異的景觀,是真的嗎?

Well, this unit here on display is a full scale assembly of our latest machine. - 哦,這裡所展示的這一部是本公司最新機器的全套設備。

we'll send you a letter of appointment and can sign a full distributor contract. - 我們將給你們送上一份聘書,並簽訂一份總的銷售合同。

in almost a full week. - 差不多有一整個星期了。

I have a full house. - 我有一個羅漢。

I'm not full yet. - 我還沒吃飽呢!

Very few people last in this class for the full hour the very first time. - 很少人能夠第一次撐完一個小時的課。

all about your first full day back on the job. - 關於你重回工作第一天的全部情況了。

Pete's full of surprises. Pete - 總是出人意表。

I need a full tank. - 我要滿滿一箱油。

Always full of surprises. - 總是出人意表。

Always full of surprises, - 總是出人意表

You are full of surprises, Pete. - 你總是出人意表 Pete。

and leaving you with the full responsibility of taking care of Max. - 還要把照顧Max的全部責任留給你。

And you'll have a full day in the country. - 你們就可以在鄉下待一整天啦。

And a full night. - 還有一整夜。

Never go swimming on a full stomach. - 吃飽飯後不要游泳。

Conversation full of wit. - 情趣橫溢的談話。

The work is in full swing. - 工作正在全力進行。

Life is full of ups and downs. - 生活充滿起伏。

I began my new job full of confidence. - 我開始做這個新工作時信心十足

Life is full of ups and downs. - 人生沉浮多。

A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. - 一個只說不做人就像一個長滿野草的花園。

The stations are always full of people. - 火車站裡經常擠滿了人。

So our evenings will be quite full then? - 那麼我們的活動在晚上也安排滿了嗎?

The times of comradeship in sports and play are full of meaning. - 這個通過運動或遊戲培養友情的時代,是極有意義的。

He received full credit for his studies at a previous school. - 他在一所先前的學校取得了所有課程的學分。

A full belly counsels well. - 衣食足而後知榮辱。

A full cup must be carried steadily. - 杯滿盈,須持穩。

A man of words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds. - 空有言語而無行動的人,猶如雜草叢生的花園。

A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. - 講而不做,猶如花園裡長滿了荒草。

He that has a full purse never wants a friend. - 只要袋裡有,不愁沒朋友。

He that hath a full purse never wanted a friend. - 金錢滿袋,朋友盈門;錢袋裝得飽,朋友不會少。

He that is full of himself is very empty. - 自滿的人是很空虛的。

Love is full of trouble. - 愛情多煩惱。

Reading makes a full man. - 讀書長見識。

There is many a fair thing full false. - 有許多說得好聽的東西充滿了謬誤。

When the belly is full the mind is among the maids. - 逸則思淫。飽則思淫慾?

This letter's full of mistakes. I want you to type it again. - 這封信裡錯誤百出。我要你重打一遍。

I am so full that I would burst with another bite. - 我吃得如此之飽,我感覺我再吃一口肚子就要脹破了。

The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things she did not need. - 她廚房的櫥櫃中放滿了她不需要的東西。

To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand! - 令他們吃驚的是,那珍貴的包裹裡面裝的全是石頭和沙子!

The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. - 原來帳篷裡到處都是水!他們全都跳出睡袋,跑到外面。

One of them was carrying a bag full of money. - 其中一個提著一隻裝滿鈔票的提包。

I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. - 我想說點什麼,但我嘴裡塞滿了藥棉。

But the copy he gave him had not been written out in full as usual. - 但這回獄卒給貴族的信沒有像往常那樣把全文寫全,

Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger, the box was full of crockery, much of it broken. - 除了一柄式樣別緻、雕有花紋的匕首外,貨箱內裝滿陶器,而且大部分都已破碎裂。

Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound. - 他身邊的一切都是母親的影子不斷勾起他的傷感。

Things owned for a long time are full associations with the past, perhaps with relatives who are dead, - 東西擱得時間久了,便會充滿著與過去歲月的聯繫,比方說與死去的親戚有關。


n. full hardness - 兩肩式安全帶

n. full excentric type crank press - 全偏心式曲柄壓機

complete crown; full crown - 全冠

full adder; three-input adder - 全加器

complete denture; full denture - 全口托牙

n. full rotary furnace - 全回轉爐

n. full scale - 全尺寸

full thickness graft - 全層植皮

full thickness graft - 全層皮片

full effective dose - 全效量

n. full rotary furnace - 全旋轉式爐

n. full bridge method - 全橋法

full crown - 全牙冠

n. full bridge method - 全電橋法

pansclerosis; n. full hardening - 全硬化

n. full hardness - 全硬度

full mouth radiograph - 全顎X射線照相

full mouth radiograph - 全顎x射線照相

full blood examination - 全血檢查

full range - 全距

full pressure suit - 全身加壓服

electric hot bath for full body - 全身電熱浴器

n. full annealing - 全退火

full dose; fulldose - 全量

n. full immersion method - 全長浸注法

full diet - 全食

full rang of joint movement - 關節運動的最大範圍

full width at tenth maximum; fwth - 十分之一最大峰值處的全寬度

full width at half maximum; fwhm - 半高寬

n. full scale - 原大

full filling; fullfilling - 填塗

full in summer - 夏洪

full in the belly - 大肚子

full dilatation of cervix - 子宮頸開全

n. full welding - 完全焊接

aomplete breech; full breech - 完全臀位

complete breech presentation; full breech presentation - 完全臀先露

n. full penetration - 完全貫穿

n. full mold process - 實型模法

full pressure suit - 密閉服

adulthood; age; full age - 成年

full diet - 普通飲食

full voice - 洪亮的聲音

full and quick pulse - 洪促脈

bounding pulse; full pulse; pulsus plenus - 洪脈

Full pulse indicates preponderance of yangheat - 洪脈主陽熱亢盛

full scale - 滿刻度

full scale deflection - 滿刻度偏轉

absorbance unit full scale - 滿刻度吸收度單位

full scale response - 滿刻度響應


n.夏應中矩 - a mormal pulse in summer should be full

n.滿刻度吸收度單位 - absorbance unit full scale

n.花開時采收 - collect when the flower is in full blossom

n.全身電熱浴器 - electric hot bath for full body

全層方針 - policy for full bed

n.錘造全冠 - wrought full crown

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