n. manner ,mode ,style ,wayv. forge
fashion['fæʃən]n. 時尚;時裝;樣式;時髦人物vt. 使用;改變;做成…的形狀
FASHION 時裝;改革;流行款式;時尚;fashion coordinator 時裝調配師;時裝搭配師;裝協調;流行分析協調員;old fashion 老式的, 過時的;古老品系;古典;古老系孔雀魚;fashion business 時裝業;latest fashion 最時髦款式;時裝;
1.She fashioned a necklace from paper clips. 她把別針製成了一條項鏈。
2.Look at all these clothes designed by top fashion designers. 看看那些由頂級時裝設計師設計的衣服。
3.This was not a fashion show. I was designing the lighting for installation art. 這不是一場時裝秀,我是在為一場藝術裝置展而設計燈光。
Yes, I worked in a fashion shop last summer as parttime sales girl. - 有,去年夏天,我曾在一家時裝店任兼職售貨員。
She's going to a fashion show here in the city tomorrow. - 她將參加明天在本市舉行的時裝表演。
to keep working on my fashion designs. - 繼續我的服裝設計工作。
and pursue my career in fashion design - 追求我在時裝設計方面的事業
My career as a fashion designer - 時裝設計事業
My career as a fashion designer - 我以時裝設計為事業
Most of what we see in the fashion shows is quite impractical for daily wear. - 時裝表演上我們所看到的大多數服裝並不適合於做日常衣著。
I have no idea about fashion there days, which is why I dress so plainly. - 我對現在的時裝潮流一竅不通,這就是我穿得這麼普通的原因。
World fashion used to be dictated almost entirely by the European designers. - 世界時間潮流過去幾乎都是由歐洲設計師所引導的。
I studied fashion design in university but they can't teach you the natural talent which is such an important part of it. - 我曾經在大學裡學過時裝設計,但在這方面有天賦的老師卻無法教授,而天賦對時裝設計又是極其重要的。
Some people look good wearing simple clothes, while others need to go all out in the fashion stakes. - 一些人穿著簡單看起來也不錯,而另外一些人穿得時髦點才行。
It's very smart.Short skirts are in fashion now. - 它很時髦。短裙現在很流行。
Many young girls dream of being a fashion model. - 許多年輕女孩夢想成為時裝模特兒。
They were in fashion last year and the year before last.But they're not in fashion this year. - 這鞋在去年和前年時興,而今年已不流行了。
These shoes are in fashion now. - 現在流行的是這種鞋子。