





a. feverish


a. afebrile


febrile['fi:brail]adj. 發熱的;熱病的;發燒的


febrile 熱性的;發燒的;因發燒所引起的;熱病;Febrile Seizure 發燒性猝發;熱性驚厥;febrile neutropenia 減少症;發熱性嗜中性球減少症;併發燒;發熱性嗜中性球減少症;febrile pulse 釋義:熱性脈,熱病脈;熱病脈,熱性脈;febrile agglutination 釋義:熱病凝集反應;


1.Objective:Research on the factors &prognosis in the recurrence of Febrile Convulsions(FC). 目的:探討高熱驚厥的復發因素及預防後遺症。

2.Others are unable to relate certain parts of the history, such as events related to a febrile illness or a seizure. 另一些患者則無法講述病史的特定環節,比如與發熱性疾病或疾病發作相關的事件。

3.Results The first 5 disease were febrile, convulsion neonatal asphyxia, allergy, all kinds of intoxication and trauma. 結果:排序前5位的是高熱驚厥、新生兒窒息、過敏、各種中毒、各種創傷;


puerperal epidemic febrile diseases; pureperal epidemic febrile disease - 產後病溫

affection by cold; attack of cold; exogenous febrile disease or affection by cold; typhia; typhoid; typhoid fever - 傷寒

specialty of exogenous febrile disease - 傷寒科

febrile disease with fluid-retention - 傷寒蓄水證

febrile disease with accumulation of blood - 傷寒蓄血證

exterior syndrome of febrile disease - 傷寒表證

treatise on febrile disease - 傷寒論

interior syndromes of febrile disease - 傷寒裡證

febrile disease at wei phase; syndrome if wei systim; weifen syndrome - 衛分證

febrile psychosis - 發熱性精神病

febrile albuminuria - 發熱性蛋白尿

febrile jaundice - 發熱性黃疸

febrile disease with erup tions - 發班傷寒

excess of pathogenic heat in febrile disease; heatstroke - 喝

epidemic febrile disease carsed by esopathogen; epidemic febrile disease caused by exopathogen - 外感溫病

acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis; sweets syndrome - 急性發熱性中性白細胞增多性皮病

acute febrile mucocutaneous lymphnode syndrome; mcls - 急性發熱性皮膚淋巴結綜合征

acute febrile anemia - 急性發熱性貧血

acute febrile jaundice; acute infectious jaundice - 急性發熱性黃疸

acute febrile polyneuritis - 急性熱病性多神經炎

acuter and seasonal febrile disease; new affection - 新感

febrile disease in summer; infantile summer fever - 暑熱證

epidemic febrile disease - 溫熱病

epidemic febrile disease - 溫病

sect of epidemic febrile disease - 溫病學派

doctrine of epidemic febrile disease; doctrine of epidemio febrile disease - 溫病學說

febrile crisis - 熱危象

febrile pulse - 熱性脈

febrile delirium; pyretotyphosis - 熱性譫妄

febrile perspiration - 熱汗

febrile lysis - 熱漸退

calentura; calenture; febrile disease; pyreticosis - 熱病

consumption of yin caused by febrile disease - 熱病傷陰

febrile urine - 熱病性尿

febrile antigen - 熱病抗原

febrile pulse; fedrile pulse - 熱病脈

febrile delirium - 熱病譫妄

febrile crisis - 熱驟退

febrile disease with accumulation of blood; syndrome of blood retention - 蓄血

febrile disease with fluid-retention; syndrome of water retention - 蓄水

febrile convulsions; hyperpyretic convulsion - 高熱驚厥


n.急黃 - acute febrile

n.急性發熱性貧血 - acute febrile anemia

n.急性發熱性黃疸 - acute febrile jaundice

急性發熱性粘膜皮膚淋巴綜合征,急性發熱性粘膜皮膚淋巴結綜合征 - acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome

n.急性發熱性皮膚淋巴結綜合征 - acute febrile mucocutaneous lymphnode syndrome

n.急性發熱性中性白細胞增多性皮病 - acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis

n.急性熱病性多神經炎 - acute febrile polyneuritis

n.新感 - acuter and seasonal febrile disease

n.熱病傷陰 - consumption of yin caused by febrile disease

n.溫病學說 - doctrine of epidemic febrile disease

n.溫病學說 - doctrine of epidemio febrile disease

n.溫病,溫熱病 - epidemic febrile disease

n.外感溫病 - epidemic febrile disease carsed by esopathogen

n.外感溫病 - epidemic febrile disease caused by exopathogen

n.喝 - excess of pathogenic heat in febrile disease

n.傷寒 - exogenous febrile disease

n.傷寒 - exogenous febrile disease or affection by cold

n.傷寒表證 - exterior syndrome of febrile disease

n.傷寒裡證 - interior syndromes of febrile disease

n.產後病溫 - puerperal epidemic febrile diseases

n.產後病溫 - pureperal epidemic febrile disease

n.溫病學派 - sect of epidemic febrile disease

n.傷寒科 - specialty of exogenous febrile disease

n.傷寒論 - treatise on febrile disease


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