BUTTS LEON 德國 安德烈亞斯·迪博夫斯基;Leon Garfield 賈菲爾;Leon Huff 利昂-哈夫;與里昂赫夫;Leon 黎明;這個殺手不太冷;男友黎明;張智嚴;Leon Dai 戴立忍;
1.The potted plant Leon nurtures, and which Matilda replants at the end of the movie, is an aglaonema, pronounced "ag-leon-ema". 片中那盆由萊昂培育,最後由瑪蒂爾德移栽的植物是萬年青,這個單詞中間部分的發音就是「萊昂」。
2.The potted plant Leon nurtures, and which Matilda replants at the end of the movie, is an aglaonema, pronounced "ag-leon-ema". 片中那盆由萊昂培育,最後由瑪蒂爾德移栽的植物是萬年青,這個單詞中間部分的發音就是「萊昂」。
3.Centuries ago in Anvil there lived a poverty-stricken beggar. His proper name was Leon Lovidicus, though to the populace of the town he was known as Leon the Luckless. 很多世紀前在安維爾城居住著一個非常貧窮的傢伙,他全名叫做雷恩
4.The andiron rose and fell twice more, just for insurance, and Leon Dennison never moved and never uttered a sound. 為了保險,柴架又起落了兩次,利昂·丹尼森沒有動,也沒有出聲。
5.Bernard Leon Barker was one of the leaders of the abortive CIA attempts in 1961 to invade Cuba. 伯納德利昂巴克是1961年曾企圖侵入古巴的失敗的中央情報局主要領導人之一。
Considering how recent these developments are, it is even more remarkable that as long ago as the 1960s, an Englishman, Leon Bagrit, was able to predict some of the uses of computers which we know today. - 想一想這些發展的時間多麼短,就更覺得英國人萊昂。巴格瑞特有著非凡的能力。他在60年代就能預言我們今天知道的計算機的一些用途。
Of course, Leon Bagrit could not possibly have foreseen the development of the Internet, the worldwide system that enables us to communicate instantly with anyone in any part of the world by using computers linked to telephone networks. - 當然了,萊昂。巴格瑞特根本沒有可能預測到國際交互網——就是把計算機連結到電話線路上,以便和世界上任何一個地方的人立即進行聯繫的一個世界範圍的通訊系統——的發展。
This is what makes Leon Bagrit's predictions particularly remarkable. - 這就是萊昂。巴格瑞特的預測非凡的地方。
leon virus - 來昂病毒
leon virus - 萊昂病毒