OPUS OPUS 古典 斯洛伐克;Opus Dei Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei 天主事工會;Opus De Funk - Milt Jackson 木馬頭小朋友之歌;Opus 事宜,工作;作品;光電科技;歐普士;Bruker OPUS 紅外處理軟件;
1.Etoposide or alkylating agents should get complete blood counts (CBCs) yearly for evidence of myelodysplasia or a secondary leukemia. 依托泊甘或者烷化劑的治療應該每年接受全血細胞計數檢查,以監測骨髓發育不良或繼發性白血病的發生跡象。
2.The song cycle Chansons de Bilitis was. among the composer's lieder, a magnum opus from his mature period. 在他的藝術歌曲中,《比利蒂斯之歌》這個聲樂套曲是創作成熟時期的代表作品。
3.Chased by authorities and an albino " monk" who is a member of Opus Dei, this small band of iconoclasts and Grail enthusiasts travel from Paris to London. 由於被警方當局及一位奧普迭教會的白髮僧侶所追趕,這一小群的符碼專家及聖盃狂熱份子從巴黎旅行到倫敦。
4.Then with a nod to his accompanist, Julian began to play a complex opus by the English composer Sir Edward Elgar. 接著,他向伴奏人員點點頭,開始演奏英國作曲家愛德華·埃爾加爵士的一首複雜的編號作品。
5.I am a convinced reader of the Opus Magnum of Joseph Needham, Science and Civilizations in China. 李約瑟曾寫過一部巨著《中國科學技術史》,我是該書的忠實讀者。