Points[pɔints]n. 點;目的(point的複數);見解v. 指引;瞄準(point的第三人稱單數)
points 點。一般一個月結算一次成現金。;點數,結算時根據廣告公司的效益兌換成金錢,兌換率是不確定的;積分;得分;Lattice Points 車削點;車削點(晶格點);coincident points 重合點;total points 總分;個人得分總數:;個別得分總數:;總點Language points 語言點;知識點;語言要點;知能聚焦;
1.Yang points proudly to a new dyeing workshop. 楊驕傲地指著一座新的染色車間。
2.The testimony of the two witnesses disagreed on significant points. 兩個目擊者的證詞在幾個重要處不一致;
3.Venice remained one of the very few European points of contact with the East. 威尼斯成為極少數人保持著與東方聯繫的歐洲地區之一。
The first one to get one hundred points wins. - 首先達到一百分的人贏。
The two contestants are neck and neck with 20 points each. - 比賽雙方各得20分,打成平局。
It was well-received in all markets, so a gain of three market share points can be expected. - 這在所有市場銷售良好,所以獲得三成的市場佔有率是指日可待的。
We'd like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract. - 我們希望搞清楚有關合同中技術方面的幾個問題。
The modern weather models work with a grid of points of the order of sixty miles apart, - 現代氣象模型以一個坐標圖來顯示,圖中每個點大約是間隔60英里。
Notices forbidding the open-air drying of clothes, or the use of water points for car washing, - 禁止露天曬衣服、禁止用水龍頭沖洗汽車的佈告
What are the selling points of your product? - 你們的銷售重點是什麼呢?
We'd like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract. - 我們希望搞清楚有關合同中技術方面的幾個問題。
This is a kind of printing that blind people can read by touching groups of raised points that are printed on paper. - 布萊葉盲文是一種印刷字體,盲人通過摸印在紙上起的點點來讀書。
There are two other points to consider. - 發傳真要考慮另外兩點。
points of Ren Meridian - 任脈穴
inportant points for tonification - 保健要穴
laser points therapeutic apparatus - 激光穴位治療儀
points douloureux; valleixs points - 瓦雷氏點
pain spots; point of pain sensation; points douloureux - 痛點
channel points massage - 經穴推拿
points on the ear - 身體各部位在耳朵上者有相應的穴位
n.砂石針 - abrasive points
n.配穴 - adjunct acupuncture points
n.背俞穴 - back-shu points
n.針灸銅人 - bronze state with acupuncture points
n.卡普隆氏點 - caputons cardinal points
n.卡普隆氏點 - caputons points
n.方位基點,主點 - cardinal points
n.鏈鎖配穴法 - chain association of points
n.經穴推拿 - channel points massage
n.絡穴,十五絡 - collateral points
n.合穴,會穴 - converging points
n.點點對應,相應點 - corresponding points
顱測量點,測顱點 - craniometric points
非相同點,非同源點 - disparate points
n.背俞穴 - dorsovisceral points
n.八脈交會穴 - eight confluence points
n.八會穴 - eight influential points
n.八會穴 - eightinfluential points
n.經外奇穴,奇穴 - extra-ordinary points
n.經外奇穴 - extrachannel points
n.第一主點 - first cardinal points
n.五輸,五俞 - five shu points
n.募穴 - front-mu points
n.會穴 - hui points
n.對合點 - identical points
n.保健要穴 - inportant points for tonification
n.癢點 - itchy points
n.激光穴位治療儀 - laser points therapeutic apparatus
n.拉維塔斯氏點 - lavitas points
n.遠部取穴 - location of distant points
n.洛特利森氏點 - lothlissens points
n.麥肯齊氏點 - mackenzies points
n.輸刺 - needling at the shu points
n.高斯氏點,節點 - nodal points
n.阿是穴 - non-fixed points
n.聚甲基丙烯乙酯尖 - polyethylmethacrylate points
n.方位基點 - principal points
n.主點 - princopal points
n.羅布遜氏點 - robsons points
n.針灸選穴 - selection of acupuncture points
n.十六郗穴,十六穴位 - sixteen cleft points
n.十六卻穴 - sixteen left points
n.原穴 - source points
n.立體對合點 - stereo-identical points
n.消毒紙尖 - sterilized absorbent points
n.取穴 - the choice of the points
n.表裡配穴 - the combination of exterior-interior points
n.會穴 - the converging points
n.井穴 - the Jing points
n.特魯索氏棘突壓痛點 - trousseaus apophysiary points