Readingadj. 雷丁(姓氏)
reading 閱讀;讀;雷丁;讀數;Extensive Reading 英語泛讀;泛讀;廣讀;博覽;Fast Reading 快速閱讀;快速閱讀部分;快讀;快車道;English Reading 英語閱讀;英文閱讀;英語 閱讀;英語閱讀-;Japanese Reading 日語閱讀;
1.Reading good books is helpful to us. 閱讀好書對我們是有幫助的。
2.By reading, we can broaden our horizon. 通過閱讀,我們可以擴大視野。
3.Answer my questions after reading the story. 讀完這個故事回答我的問題。
I like reading the works of Lao She. - 我喜歡讀老捨的作品。
You're reading my mind, Robbie. - 你說的正是我想的, Robbie。
Like setting up a regular weekly reading program. - 譬如說開辦一項每週一次的定期閱讀計劃。
and reading to them. - 為他們朗讀。
for reading to the kids in the hospital. - 為住院的孩子朗讀。
That's why I'm reading my paper and having my coffee - 這就是今天早上為什麼我看報紙喝咖啡
Involve the entire family in a reading project. - 讓整個家庭都參與閱讀計劃。
Do you enjoy reading together? - 你們喜歡在一起朗誦嗎?
At home I like reading books and listening to music. - 我喜歡在家裡看書或聽音樂。
I enjoyed reading these books very much. - 我很喜歡讀這些書。
He is good at reading and writing, but he wishes he knew how to understand and speak better. - 他的閱讀和寫作是強項,但他希望知道怎樣去理解和說得更好。
He spends a lot of time reading books on ecology. - 他花了大量的時間閱讀生態學方面的書籍。
I try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers. - 我經常讀報以盡量瞭解時事。
While waiting for the train I killed time by reading a book. - 在等火車的時候我看書來消磨時間。
By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it. - 讀書可以使我門的思想充實,談話使其更臻完美。
I'm reading a book. - 我正在讀一本書。
While you were writing letters,I was reading a book. - 當你正在寫信時,我正在讀一本書。
I'm being kept very busy with my required reading for Sosh this quarter. - 本學期有許多必須為上社會學而讀的東西,我太忙了。
I'm reading the newspaper downstairs. - 我在樓下看報紙。
When it started raining, I was reading books. - 當開始下雨的時候,我再看書。
It's a waste of time reading that book. It's rubbish. - 看那本書真是浪費時間。那簡直是垃圾。
It is nine o'clock.Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night.But he's not reading his newspaper tonight. - 現在是9點鐘。索耶先生通常是在晚上看報,但今天晚上他沒看報。
At the moment, he's reading an interesting book. - 此刻,他正在看一本有趣的書。
While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen. - 當我的朋友喬治在床上看書時,兩個小偷爬進了他的廚房。
After reading an article entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. - 讀完一篇題為《吸煙與健康》的文章之後,我點上了一枝香煙,來鎮定一下自己緊張的神經。
The journey is so smooth that there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping. - 旅途平穩,絲毫不妨礙你閱讀或睡眠。
Though we may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves. - 我們都喜歡看關於別人生活的報道,但是否同樣喜歡看關於自己生活的報道,就很難說了。
I would keep my mind fresh for reading when I got home formwork Resisting the hypnotizing effect of television, I sat in my room for a few evenings with my eyes glued to book. - 晚上下班回家看書時頭腦更清醒些。有幾天晚上,我極力擺脫了電視的誘惑,坐在自己的房間裡,兩眼盯在書上。
We enjoy reading about them, especially when we find that, like the praying mantis, they lead perfectly horrible lives. - 我們喜歡看有關昆蟲的書,尤其是當我們瞭解螳螂等過著一種令人生畏的生活時,就更加愛讀有關昆蟲的書了。
I like reading and listening to music. - 我喜歡閱讀和欣賞音樂。
Yes, they're our new reading books. Is the box too heavy? - 對,這些是我們的新教科書,這個箱子重嗎?
She likes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading room. - 她喜歡孩子們來閱覽室讀書看報。
I like reading English books, but they're sometimes rather hard. - 我喜歡看英語書,但有時候英語書相當難讀。
I suggest that we ask users of this machine what they think about it. We can photograph them using it too. Then we can put their comments at the top of the advertisement in big print. We can bring in some humour too. People enjoy reading humorous ads. - 我建議我們徵詢計算機用戶的意見。我們也可以把他們使用計算機的情形拍成照片。然後我們把他們的意見用粗體字印在廣告上面。我們還可以加入一些幽默故事。人們喜歡幽默的廣告。
Other books are for reading slowly and carefully. If it is a book on a subject that you are interested in, you will want to chew and digest it. That does not mean reading it too slowly. When you pick up a book for the first time, check that it is not to - 還有一些書是要慢慢地、仔細地閱讀的。如果有一本書談論的題目你很感興趣,你就想「咀嚼、消化它」。這並不意味著要讀得太慢。當你第一次拿起一本書的時候,你得檢查一下,這本書不是太難讀。除非從頭幾頁書中你能看出這是一本你容易讀懂的書,否則你就不要去讀它。
Start by making a list of all the types of books that you enjoy reading in Chinese. - 首先列出一個清單,把你喜歡讀的各類中文書都開列出來。
If you hate science stories, you are unlikely to enjoy reading them in English. - 如果你不喜歡讀科學小品,你很可能也不會喜歡讀英文的這類圖書。
But if you enjoy reading short stories in Chinese, look for collections of English ones. - 那麼你就可以尋找一些英文的短篇小說集。
I always carry matches with me at such times and I tore out the pages of the first chapter of the book I was reading to get the fire going. - 在這樣的時候我身上總是帶著火柴的,為了讓火堆燃下去,我從我正在看的那本書的第一章撕下幾頁。
2 Which subjects do you like reading about in newspapers, magazines and books? - 2。你喜歡讀報紙、雜誌和書籍裡的哪些學科方面的內容?
balance reading glass - 天平讀鏡
reading mistake - 密碼
reading frame displacement; readingframedisplacement - 密碼位移
open reading fram - 開放讀碼
direct reading ph meter - 直讀式PH計
direct reading analytical balance - 直讀式分析天平
direct reading balance - 直讀式天平
direct reading thermometer - 直讀式溫度計
direct reading calculator - 直讀式計算機
reading frame displacement; readingframedisplacement - 移碼
reading microscope - 讀數顯微鏡
reading device - 讀數裝置
reading error - 讀數誤差
reading chart - 近視力表
reading test - 閱讀測驗
reading test - 閱讀試驗
n.近似讀數 - approximate reading
n.天平讀鏡 - balance reading glass
n.直接讀數 - direct reading
n.直讀式分析天平 - direct reading analytical balance
n.直讀式天平 - direct reading balance
n.直讀式計算機 - direct reading calculator
n.直讀式PH計 - direct reading ph meter
n.直讀式溫度計 - direct reading thermometer
影像識讀 - image reading
n.初讀數 - initial reading
n.唇讀 - lip reading
心理閱讀 - mind reading
n.開放讀碼 - open reading fram
n.讀標 - scale reading
唇讀,唇讀法 - speech reading
n.零點讀數 - zero reading