Windsurfing Assn of HK 香港滑浪風帆會;Windsurfing Sails 風帆簡介;
1.Rental on the island's life, pad steam canoe, windsurfing, dinghies, motor boats and wooden beach sand outside the net clean water is the best beach, one of the waterfront. 島上對外出租救生圈、汽墊皮划艇、帆板、橡皮艇、摩托艇及木船,外圍沙灘沙潔水淨,是海濱最佳浴場之一。
2.Israeli windsurfing bronze medalist Shahar Zubari used a scatological expletive to describe the Chinese in an interview with the Yediot Ahronot daily on Friday. 上週五,帆板銅牌得主以色列選手沙哈里-祖巴裡在接受《以色列日報》採訪時用髒話形容中國人。
3.If you are feeling up for it, take your Aquarius on an adventure date -- windsurfing, hang-gliding or spelunking. 如果你想討好他/她,冒險刺激的約會是少不了的-可以嘗試帆板運動、攀巖或山洞探險。
4.This is a windsurfing website you can never miss. We contain windsurf information, discussion board, great photos, second hand market and online shop. 一個不可錯過的滑浪風帆網站, 提供滑浪風帆 資訊、討論區、二手市場、相片集、投票區及網上商店等。
5.Visitors can try out parasailing, speed boating, water skiing, windsurfing, banana boats and rafting (single or double). 您可以來這裡嘗試帆傘、快船、滑水、帆板、香蕉船和筏子等各種水上運動。