reneging[ri'ni:ɡ, -'neiɡ, -'niɡ, -'neɡ]vi. 食言;違例出牌vt. [古]否認n. 出牌違例
1.Be clear: the government disgraced itself by reneging on its pledge to hold a referendum. 清楚點:政府出爾反爾,不願舉行公投讓自己名譽掃地。
2.A beautiful sorceress (Michelle Yeoh) had cursed the emperor for reneging on a promise, freezing him and his men into terra-cotta figures. 一個漂亮的女巫(楊紫瓊飾)因為皇帝的食言而詛咒了他,並把他和他的部隊凍結成兵馬俑。
3.Nonetheless to remove this status without putting something significant in its place would be seen as the British reneging on their promise to the people of Hong Kong. 不過,在取消這個身份的同時,如不以有意義的身份加以代替的話,將被視作英國背棄其對香港人許下的承諾。