dead-on['ded'ɔn]adj. 完全正確的
dead-on 正確的;完全正確的;dead-on right-on 完全正確的;Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round 現金作戰;
1.The mind no longer needs to invent its reality -- the reality is in its face, rapidly approaching dead-on. 心智不必再去虛構現實--現實正撲面而來,直擊要害。
2.CPG companies want color accuracy that is dead-on, but they also want to squeeze out more efficiency from the package printing process. CPG公司想要顏色準確性是死的,但他們也想擠出更多的效率從包裝印刷過程。
3."I was excited to see how George [Lucas] was going to conceive that, and when I read the script for the first time it was very obvious that he had gotten it dead-on, " says Christensen. 我很興奮地看到喬治[盧卡斯]是如何構思這個故事的,當我第一次讀到劇本時,情況就已經很明顯:他已經詮釋得十分精準了。