WordPerfect 完美文書;bk4 WordPerfect 視窗4的按時備份文件格局【後綴;bk2 WordPerfect 視窗2的按時備份文件格局【後綴;bk3 WordPerfect 視窗3的按時備份文件格局【後綴;bk7 WordPerfect 視窗7的按時備份文件格局【後綴;
1.The software is so good that WordPerfect 2000 is sold in a bundle with one brand. 這類軟件是如此地好以致於WordPerfect2000都和其中的一個名牌捆綁起來進行銷售。
2.And that' s also why more copies of WordPerfect were sold to lawyers than any other industry. 說回來,這也就是為什麼那文字處理軟件在律師行裡要比其他行業裡賣得好的原因。
3.At the time, we knew our product was going to be better than WordPerfect's product, and we were going to tell that story to the world. 當時,我們清楚自己的產品比WordPerfect更好,就致力於把這個消息告訴全世界。
4.The software is so good that WordPerfect 2000 is sold in a bundle with one brand. 這類軟件是如此地好以致於WordPerfect2000都和其中的一個名牌捆綁起來進行銷售。
5.And that' s also why more copies of WordPerfect were sold to lawyers than any other industry. 說回來,這也就是為什麼那文字處理軟件在律師行裡要比其他行業裡賣得好的原因。