LND 深圳市雷諾達鐘錶有限公司;la Ligue nationale pour la democratie;燦爛黃;江門市力能達電池實業公司;Lego lnd 樂高積木樂園;lnd tsl t 適宜於,對有用;Jordanmundo Animals Lnd 不可思議 查看;Jordanmundo Buildings Lnd 舒適 查看;
1.Conclusion: LND Ⅵ is a strong risk factor for IPE in malignant cases of primary unilateral thyroid surgery. The indication of LND Ⅵ should be carried out strictly. 結論: 單側甲狀腺癌手術中,Ⅵ區清掃是IPE的風險因素,必須掌握Ⅵ區清掃指征,掌握保護旁腺手術技巧。
2.His last successful trip outside his home was in March 2007, when sis x people pushed Uribe's wheel-equipped iron bed out to the street as a mariachi band played lnd a crowd gathered to greet him. 他上一次成功離開自家是在二00七年三月,當時六名人士把推烏裡韋裝有輪子的床推到街上,其時有墨西哥街頭樂隊演奏,並且有一班群眾歡迎他。