ssbnabbr. 彈道導彈戰略核潛艇(Strategic Submarine Ballistic Nuclear)
SSBN 彈道導彈核潛艇;核動力彈道導彈潛艇;彈道導彈潛艇;戰略導彈核潛艇;SSBN SONETSwitchedBandwidthNetwork 同步光纖網切換式帶寬網絡;Ohio Class SSBN 俄亥俄級;
1.SSBN is the United States Navy's hull classification symbol for a fleet ballistic nuclear missile submarine. SSBN是美國海軍對彈道導彈核潛艇的分類稱謂。
2.It was launched from the submerged submarine USS Henry M Jackson (SSBN 730) from a location in the Pacific Ocean. 在此次試驗中,導彈從太平洋附近的美國「亨利·M·傑克遜」號戰略核潛艇(SSBN-730)上發射。
3.The Bohai Gulf in the north of the country, the location for the base of the first PLA nuclear ballistic missile submarine (SSBN), is too shallow to support nuclear deterrent patrols. PLA首個核潛艇基地所在的渤海灣太淺,無法滿足核威懾力量巡航的需求。